Gary Neville SLAMS football’s silent fat cats and backs players in refusing pay cuts 

‘It’s disgusting… it’s truly terrible how some club owners are trying to act in this crisis’: Gary Neville SLAMS football’s silent fat cats and backs players in refusing pay cuts

  • Gary Neville has hit out at football club owners over their lack of action
  • Tensions have been palpable between players and owners during coronavirus
  • Clubs are looking to strike a deal with their stars over taking a wage cut 
  • Learn more about how to help people impacted by COVID

Gary Neville has laid into football club owners over their silence as the Sky Sports pundit called on club chiefs to be decisive during the period of uncertainty due to the coronavirus crisis.

Tensions between players and their clubs’ hierarchy has been palpable ever since football ground to a halt due to the spread of the deadly disease in the UK, with clubs anticipating a huge financial hit as a result. 

Clubs have been looking to strike a deal with players to take a wage cut to ease the pressure, while some clubs have sparked controversy by furloughing non-playing staff before cutting the wages of their top earners.

Gary Neville has hit out at the lack of communication from club owners during coronavirus

Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool had reversed on their previous decisions to do so, while Newcastle United have remained unmoved on the matter. 

And Neville has expressed his frustrations on the lack of communication coming from the owners.  

‘Where are they owners, the CEOs? Why aren’t they communicating?’ he told Sky Sports’ The Football Show. ‘There is an abyss of information lost. We’re just speculating. 

‘The government and other businesses are communicating every day and football has gone quiet. It would be nice to hear from them to see the challenges they’re facing, what discussions have taken place. 

‘They tried to get players to take a pay cut on a Friday afternoon without telling them; they need the players to come back on board. In times of trouble and crisis, even if you don’t know the outcomes, you need to communicate. 

‘You can’t go quiet. Where are these owners? We haven’t heard anything from them. It’s what every other industry leader does and these clubs have not got a grip of it.’

More to follow. 

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