Women who buy designer items are more likely to act in a selfish manner, study finds

Devils really do wear Prada! Women who buy designer items are more likely to act in a selfish manner, study finds

  • Academics in Maryland looked at how designer goods can alter your psychology 
  • In one test involving 72 female students, half received a £1,500 Prada handbag
  • The other half participating in the test received a non-luxury bag worth just £60
  • Those who wore Prada were more likely to take more money in a cash giveaway  

It may come with a label and price tag that convey your status as a well-heeled fashion connoisseur.

But that designer handbag or coat you’ve set your heart on is also going to set you apart from the crowd in a rather different way.

For scientists have discovered that women who buy items from high-end fashion houses are more likely to act in a selfish manner – suggesting that when it comes to luxury attire, the devil really does wear Prada.

Anne Hathaway in the 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada. A study has revealed that women who buy items from high-end fashion houses are more likely to act in a selfish manner

Academics at the University of Maryland carried out experiments to determine how designer goods alter psychology and behaviour.

In one test involving 72 female students, half received a £1,500 Prada bag and the remainder were given a non-luxury bag worth £60.

Participants were later asked to answer a questionnaire with one of a range of different pens. They were also asked how they would split a hypothetical cash prize.

Women with the Prada handbags were twice as likely to pick up the last remaining expensive-looking pen, while also awarding themselves a bigger share of the money. But this pattern of behaviour was reversed if the Prada participants had the chance to be generous in front of others. Researchers said this was driven largely by a desire to ‘enhance one’s reputation’ rather than genuine kindness.

The 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada starred Meryl Streep as a despotic magazine boss who tyrannises assistant Anne Hathaway

The 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada starred Meryl Streep as a despotic magazine boss who tyrannises assistant Anne Hathaway

Yajin Wang, the university’s assistant professor of marketing, said the ‘consumption experience’ was helping change behaviour rather than it being ‘a bad person who wears luxury goods’.

‘Therefore, it’s not necessarily devils who are buying Prada – rather, it’s wearing Prada that changes people’s psychology and behaviour, potentially turning them into devils,’ said Prof Wang.

Previous research has found women who buy designer brands including Gucci and Burberry are more likely to hold politically conservative views and are less able to resist sweets and chocolate.

The 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada starred Meryl Streep as a despotic magazine boss who tyrannises assistant Anne Hathaway.