Olivia Buckland SLAMS ‘third party dog breeders’ after death of Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury’s pet

Love Island‘s Olivia Buckland has slammed ‘third party dog breeders’ after the death of Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury’s puppy Mr Chai who was flown in from Russia.

The reality star, 26, shared a lengthy statement to her Instagram on Thursday, urging her followers not to support ‘third-party breeders’ or buy dogs from other countries.

Stipulating that her discussion was ‘in no way towards my lovely Molly’ as she was ‘devastated’ for the reality star, Olivia explained that she was speaking out ‘to make sure this doesn’t happen again and to raise awareness.’

‘You do not need a puppy from that far away!’: Olivia Buckland SLAMMED ‘third party dog breeders’ after the death of Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury’s pet Mr Chai

She said: ‘Third party breeders don’t have a clue where they’re getting their dogs from, I don’t care what b****** they sprangle you they are getting a puppy from another country, they are not seeing the mum, they’re not seeing the dad, even sending a young puppy by plane from places like Russia is ridiculous.

‘You do not need a dog from that far away, you do not need to put money in these people’s pockets. 

‘Third party breeders are what’s bringing puppy farming back into the UK even though Lucy’s Law was passed in the UK.’

The devastated Love Island stars announced on Wednesday their dog, who was flown in from Russia, had tragically passed away, due to a seizure and host of neurological issues, just six days after welcoming him to the family.    

Tragic: The devastated Love Island stars announced on Wednesday their dog, who was flown in from Russia , had tragically passed away, due to a seizure and host of neurological issues

Tragic: The devastated Love Island stars announced on Wednesday their dog, who was flown in from Russia , had tragically passed away, due to a seizure and host of neurological issues

Don't do it: The reality star shared a lengthy statement to her Instagram on Thursday, urging her followers not to support 'third-party breeders' or buy dogs from other countries

Don’t do it: The reality star shared a lengthy statement to her Instagram on Thursday, urging her followers not to support ‘third-party breeders’ or buy dogs from other countries

Olivia went on to explain what Lucy’s Law was for her followers, stating that it helps make sure puppy farming does not take place in the UK as all dog breeders are required to have a licence to sell pets under six months old.

‘it is completely illegal to breed puppies in the UK and third-party breeders who get puppies from outside the UK allow that to happen,’ she explained.

Adding that third-party breeders ‘hardly know what they’re doing’, Olivia slammed them for flying dogs in from abroad at a really young age, showing fake pictures and telling potential buyers ‘b******t’ to get them to purchase the puppy.

Hitting out: Olivia said 'I don't care what b****** they sprangle you they are getting a puppy from another country... sending a young puppy by plane from places like Russia is ridiculous5'

Hitting out: Olivia said ‘I don’t care what b****** they sprangle you they are getting a puppy from another country… sending a young puppy by plane from places like Russia is ridiculous5’

Know the law: Olivia claimed third party breeders were 'bringing puppy farming back into the UK even though Lucy's Law' which makes it illegal to breed pets and sell them

Know the law: Olivia claimed third party breeders were ‘bringing puppy farming back into the UK even though Lucy’s Law’ which makes it illegal to breed pets and sell them

Olivia told her fans firmly: ‘If you haven’t physically seen the mother or don’t know them very well do not get involved with them.

‘Anyone that is getting your puppy from somewhere else, doesnt have them in their home or whatever, do not buy that dog, do not get involved, walk away, turn away.

‘Do not because it is literally so risky you have no idea at the health of that puppy the health of the mum and dad, the living conditions, where they are, what the living conditions look like, it is so dangerous to do that

Not a dig: Olivia stipulated that her discussion was 'in no way towards my lovely Molly' but 'to make sure this doesn't happen again and to raise awareness'

Not a dig: Olivia stipulated that her discussion was ‘in no way towards my lovely Molly’ but ‘to make sure this doesn’t happen again and to raise awareness’

Advice: Olivia told her fans firmly: 'If you haven't physically seen the mother or don't know them very well do not get involved with them'

Advice: Olivia told her fans firmly: ‘If you haven’t physically seen the mother or don’t know them very well do not get involved with them’

‘Honestly from the bottom of my heart I beg you please do not support any third party breeder, and do not support any puppy coming from any other country unless you have got to visit physically and seen the conditions the puppy is in.’

Olivia added once more that she wasn’t speaking out to slam Molly-Mae and Tommy, as she realise how devastated they were about their puppies passing and ‘didn’t know’ what they were getting themselves into.

‘You can’t blame anyone you just need to educate yourself and moving forward ensure you aren’t investing in people like that so I just had to say something,’ Olivia went on.

Lengthy statement: As well as her video message, Olivia wrote about the risks of buying from third party breeders, and told fans how they could avoid supporting them

Blasting them: Olivia added that it didn't matter if a third party breeder was based in the UK as the pets were still coming from abroad

Lengthy statement: As well as her video message, Olivia wrote about the risks of buying from third party breeders, and told fans how they could avoid supporting them

Placing the blame: Olivia concluded by asking her fans not to blame Molly-Mae and Tommy for what had happened to Mr Chai, and said they should 'stop the nasty messages'

Placing the blame: Olivia concluded by asking her fans not to blame Molly-Mae and Tommy for what had happened to Mr Chai, and said they should ‘stop the nasty messages’

On Wednesday, Molly-Mae, who was gifted the pooch by Tommy for her 21st birthday, addressed the backlash from importing Mr Chai from Russia, stating: ‘Whilst we completely understand everyone’s opinions about being shipped over from Russia, what you need to understand is that is not what made him die.

‘He was going to die regardless. The autopsy results showed his skull wasn’t fully developed and part of his brain was exposed. He didn’t have a single white blood cell in his body’. 

 ‘If we had the time again we would have got a dog from the UK or got a rescue dog from the UK.’

Shock: Molly-Mae's new puppy, gifted to her from boyfriend Tommy, was not from a registered breeder, The Kennel Club confirmed

Shock: Molly-Mae’s new puppy, gifted to her from boyfriend Tommy, was not from a registered breeder, The Kennel Club confirmed

Tommy bought the dog through Cheshire-based business Tiffany Chihuahuas & Pomeranians, which is licensed by Cheshire Council but not a Kennel Club assured breeder. 

Breeder Elena Katerova has denied breaking the rules telling the publication, clients see the mother with their puppy via videos.   

She said: ‘I’m truly devastated to learn about the death of Mr Chai. He was a beautiful young dog with a loving, playful temperament. I’d watched him grow up, having regular video calls with his birth family.

‘My heart goes out to Molly-Mae and Tommy. Mr Chai was a healthy dog, I only work with trusted people and have a small network of reputable breeders who care for their dogs to the very highest standards and and see animals as part of their family.’ 

So sad: On Wednesday, Molly-Mae, who was gifted the pooch by Tommy for her 21st birthday, addressed the backlash from importing Mr Chai from Russia

So sad: On Wednesday, Molly-Mae, who was gifted the pooch by Tommy for her 21st birthday, addressed the backlash from importing Mr Chai from Russia

Back in 2018, the breeder came under fire when This Morning viewers saw the teacups dogs she was holding were shaking.   

During the segment, Elena was involved in a debate whether owning ‘teacup dogs’ was a form of cruelty.

The miniature breeds, which can cost a potential owner £8,000, are prone to health problems as a result of their breeding.

While Elena insisted that they were healthy, vet Scott said that it was dangerous 

MailOnline has contacted breeder Elena and Molly-Mae for comment.  

Upset: Meanwhile, the dog breeder they brought the pup shared her devastation over the pup's death and insisted that he had been 'healthy'

Upset: Meanwhile, the dog breeder they brought the pup shared her devastation over the pup’s death and insisted that he had been ‘healthy’

In a video posted on Wednesday, the couple tearfully discussed their puppy Mr Chai’s death.   

Molly-Mae told her viewers: ‘Neither of us wanted to film a video or talking about this but after everything we’ve seen today and reading everyone’s opinions, I think it’s really important that we actually do sit down and talk about it and explain how we are feeling and what we now know after receiving the autopsy results.’

After describing how Mr Chai was energetic in his first few days with them ‘as a puppy should be’, they soon noticed he started showing symptoms, with Tommy explaining: ‘His poo was runny, he was vomiting, he wasn’t running.’ 

Heartbroken: On Tuesday, the reality star announced Mr Chai had died, six days after welcoming the pup into her home after receiving him for her 21st birthday present

Heartbroken: On Tuesday, the reality star announced Mr Chai had died, six days after welcoming the pup into her home after receiving him for her 21st birthday present

The pair took him to the vet and Molly recalled that while waiting outside, she could ‘tell something was wrong’, adding Mr Chai was ‘wriggling’  and said dogs ‘almost know when they are about to die’.

Molly-Mae said 30 minutes later, the vet rang and informed them Mr Chai had had a seizure and died.  

‘We were both utterly shocked’, she explained. ‘Tommy literally just threw up everywhere’. 

A  representative of Molly-Mae and Tommy confirmed Mr Chai had died of ‘a seizure and neurological issues.’ 

Tough times: Mr Chai's death has prompted several stars to speak up about the importance of researching when buying a dog. The couple set up an Instagram account for Mr Chai last week

Tough times: Mr Chai’s death has prompted several stars to speak up about the importance of researching when buying a dog. The couple set up an Instagram account for Mr Chai last week

A statement read: ‘Chai died of a seizure and neurological issues. This probably relating to the puppies skull not being fully formed (see note on anterior fontanelle below).

‘Chai passed away with a number of health issues outlined below and the puppy clearly was not at full health and potentially had been carrying an infection and fighting it for some time before reaching Molly and Tommy.’

It then listed a number of ailments the dog suffered from, including: ‘no white blood cells present in blood, anterior fontanelle not completely ossified, body condition 3/5, liver congested, spleen enlarged congested, adrenal glands enlarged, kidneys congested, colon congested, lungs congested and Heart right ventricle dilated.’

Mr Chai’s death has prompted several stars to speak up about the importance of researching when buying a dog.   

Ashley James, 33, wrote: ‘Please please do your research before getting a pet. Do not import dogs from other countries unless they are rescues from charities. Please look into #lucyslaw and if you do go to a breeder then always make sure you see a fit and healthy mum!’

While Katie Piper said on Instagram: ‘PLEASE PLEASE if you are getting a puppy during lockdown or in general please think! Puppy farms are exploiting the demand. 

‘Puppy farms in the UK are now illegal because of a new law (Lucy’s Law) and @pupaidofficial campaign. BUT puppies are coming in from Europe. Being torn from their mothers on horrendous puppy farms at only a few weeks old and driven here in vans, to be then dressed up and sold for huge prices. 

‘They often die because of their treatment and trauma. When buying a puppy use a British registered breeder & ALWAYS ALWAYS meet the mum.’ 

Animal activist: Ashley James has encouraged her followers not to adopt pets from abroad unless it's via an accredited charity

Animal activist: Ashley James has encouraged her followers not to adopt pets from abroad unless it’s via an accredited charity