Interpol: Cybercrime grew alarmingly during the Corona period

© AFP / Magazine image
According to Interpol, during the Korona, cybercriminals have increasingly targeted large corporations, governments, and critical infrastructure instead of individuals and small businesses. LEHTIKUvA / AFP


Cybercrime has increased alarmingly during the coronavirus pandemic, warns the international police organization Interpol. Criminals are now seeking information from large institutions in particular through their teleworkers.

According to Interpol, during the Korona, cybercriminals have increasingly targeted large corporations, governments, and critical infrastructure instead of individuals and small businesses.

“Cybercriminals are developing and intensifying their attacks at an alarming rate to exploit the fear and insecurity caused by the unstable social and economic situation of the corona epidemic,” said Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock.

According to an Interpol report, cybercriminals, for example, send Korona-related phishing emails. Cybercriminals are also increasingly targeting malware at critical infrastructure and healthcare institutions.

Especially in the first two weeks of April, there was an increase in attacks where users have to pay money to get their computers running again.

Working at home exposes

Interpol warns that cybercrime is likely to continue to grow in the near future.

– Vulnerabilities and potential economic benefits associated with working from home ensure that cybercriminals develop more advanced and sophisticated methods.

The police organization also warns of the stage when the coronary vaccine will be available.

– It is very likely that these drugs will be associated with a spike (increase) in phishing.