Amusement parks banned screaming and the problem became “unhappy customers” – a special solution was now invented in Japan

© Jacob Lund

We previously reported on how the Japanese Amusement Parks published a code urging, among other things, to avoid shouting and screaming on roller coasters. One amusement park was not happy with the unhappy expressions of its customers and came up with a creative solution to the dilemma.

In the video, amusement park workers test the stickers on the mask in practice.

The code was published by a body that has more than 30 large amusement parks in Japan. The purpose of the code is to reduce the spread of coronavirus infections. Read more on this topic from here.

READ ALSO: Japan banned screaming at amusement park equipment while inventing the motto for 2020: “Please scream internally”

Apparently, the Greenland theme park in Japan wasn’t entirely happy with the side effect caused by the regulations – unhappy-looking customers. Thus, a solution to the problem was developed. News about the matter, among other things Insider and USA Today.

A special solution to the problem was invented

To solve the problem, the amusement park decided to offer its customers stickers that they can affix to their masks. The labels have a mouth that looks screaming or smiling wide.

A total of five different mouths are designed for the stickers. Guests can choose their favorite sticker when they arrive at the amusement park, he says hype Beast.

Greenland Amusement Park has published material about its innovation on its social media channels. The amusement park calls the stickers “Greenland’s new way of screaming”.

If the publication does not appear, look at it here.

READ ALSO: Japan launches sumo wrestling tournament despite threatening corona – this is how a pandemic affects a sport where clothing and safety gaps are forgotten

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sources: Insider, USA Today, hype Beast