Aries 21.3.-20.4.

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Horoscope Aries

Aries horoscope: Week 28 (July 6-12)

The past will somehow come to mind this week. It’s wonderful to reminisce about the good old days with old friends, especially when you don’t have to go back to them anymore. It is now important for you to discuss something with your family. Problems can’t always just be swept under the rug, otherwise the rug may soon be at roof height.

See all signs of the zodiac and interesting articles on astrology!

The nature of the ram

Keywords: Activity, energy, initiative, intelligence

Dominant planet: Mars

Lucky day: Tuesday

Lucky Color: Red

Lucky Stone: Ruby, diamond

Element: Fire

Character: Leading

Quality: Masculine, positive

Health: Aries controls headaches, headaches and migraines common.

Famous Aries: Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh

The first sign of the astrological zodiac is the fiery Aries. A man born under the sign of Aries loves challenges, and the influence of the god of war Mars in life is reflected in the fact that Aries often feels he has to fight for his position throughout his life relying only on himself and his own strength, intelligence and courage – all of which he has more than enough. Aries is honest, above all to himself and very committed to his own visions and principles. Aries values ​​honesty and honor so much that it is not at all able to accept their shortcomings in other people. The weakness of character does not arouse any sympathy in Aries.

Aries wants to do things his own way, and he’s great for working independently. Aries is only suitable for group work if he is allowed to be the leader of the group. “It’s my way or no way” – I do it my own way or not at all, could very well be a saying made by the sun sign Aries.

Aries loves action and variety. If the environment begins to lull into an overly steady numbing sense of well-being, it is Aries that bounces up and suggests something new and invigorating. Routines and monotony are deadly to Aries, she enjoys meeting new things and trying something that no one else has done yet. Aries firmly believes that if he just wants to, he knows anything – and is often right about it. This Aries desire – and ability – to dive into new things makes him an innovative pioneer, who may be shaken first, but whose example will be followed later. Unfortunately, Aries completely lacks flexibility in this matter. If he can’t do things at his own pace, he gets irritated very easily – and gives up the whole game.

Aries is spontaneous, impulsive, straightforward and confident. He believes in the power of positive thinking – and in himself. He hates getting sick and doesn’t want to be dependent on anyone in any way. Accepting one’s own borders can be completely overwhelming for Aries. Criticism makes him boil. Fortunately, he is usually so intelligent and versatile that he doesn’t have to listen to criticism very much – other than perhaps from his family members, who may be left in need of more affection and expression of emotion. Aries when he is in such a hurry to realize himself that he doesn’t always have time to notice other people’s needs.

Aries and love

A loving Aries is an absolute and fiery partner with whom life is certainly not boring, but who certainly strives to dominate and dictate his partner. Aries is usually very sexual, but as a spouse it is still loyal and trustworthy. Aries is idealistic in her love and ready to do a lot of work for her relationship. The absoluteness of youth diminishes a little with age, and Aries learns to give living space to his partner as well. However, she is demanding and critical of both her spouse and her children all her life.

For an impulsive and passionate Aries, a flexible and self-confident partner is suitable as a partner, who is content with the position of a background influencer, but does not submit to Oina. Aries wants to be number one in the family, but gets bored if the partner doesn’t give any challenges. Of the zodiac signs for Aries, they are best suited Horizontal and Sagittarius, good partners are also Leo, Kaksonen and Aquarius.

See also video: Aries Star sign

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