Taurus 21.4. – 20.5.

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Horoscope Taurus

Taurus horoscope: Week 28 (July 6-12)

Don’t think about what you’re doing compulsively. Rather, think about whatever nice thing you can do so everything goes much more comfortably. Not all services need to be repaid. Often thank you is adequate value. You would like to travel to the ends of the earth. If the reason is an escape, it really isn’t worth it. Prefer to face your problem first and only travel after that if you still want to.

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The nature of the bull

Keywords: Rootedness, pleasures, materialism

Dominant planet: Venus

Lucky day: Friday

Lucky Color: green, blue

Lucky Stone: Emeralds, topaz

Element: I

Character: Fixed

Quality: Feminine, negative

Health: The bull controls the throat and throat. Pharyngitis. Overweight.

Famous Bulls: Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Eva Peron

Horoscope Taurus is another sign of the zodiac, whose emotions are dominated by Venus, associated with beauty, fertility and motherhood. Taurus is a patient and unshakable character capable of outright incomprehensible devotion, perseverance, and perseverance. Once his goal is set, Taurus goes through that famous gray stone to achieve what he wants, and nothing really swings his course.

Taurus is very practical in nature and wants to see concrete results from his efforts. Taurus is more of a tenacious implementer than a great visionary – his own wildest dreams are most likely about money, well-being and security. Taurus is often artistically talented, but is likely to realize his creativity in some concrete form – as a carpenter, for example. Above all, Taurus is a connoisseur, and while he may work very long-term to achieve what he wants, he prefers to immerse himself in good food and other activities that bring physical pleasure, and can also make laziness a great art.

In essence, Taurus is a simple, down-to-earth person who is not comfortable with the hustle and bustle of the city. She has a very strong need to feel safe, she loves traditions and appreciates home above all else. He likes to own things as well as people, and does nothing else in his life until he is absolutely compelled. However, Taurus knows some of the signs of the zodiac, perhaps best at taking pleasure in the simple basics of life, and is not very demanding in its human relationships.

Taurus and love

Even with its physique, the sturdy, thick-necked Taurus is also a stubborn in its human relationships. He takes marriage very seriously, but may ruin his own with an excessive desire for ownership. Taurus needs a deep partnership, and gets great satisfaction from owning. Then the partner easily becomes objectified and is not properly understood by anyone other than perhaps the other Taurus. Balanced relations Taurus also creates other landmarks, the Virgin and Capricorn with. All water signs are also suitable for Taurus. Fire and air completely mix the simple Taurus.

As a father and mother, Taurus is great. She is a gentle, loving, patient, and genuinely proud parent of her child.

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See also the video: What kind of zodiac sign is a person?