The twins 21.5. – 21.6.

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Horoscope Gemini

Gemini horoscope: Week 28 (July 6-12)

Planning is not always easy. However, it can save you from disappointment, because then you won’t start striving for something you can’t achieve. Conversing with someone else can give you a new perspective on your own situation as well. The sun makes everything glow more beautiful. This week you can enjoy nature, people and everything beautiful around you.

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The nature of the twins

Keywords: Speed, communication, dichotomy, intelligence

Dominant planet: Mercury

Lucky day: Wednesday

Lucky Color: Yellow

Lucky Stone: Agate, tourmaline

Element: Air

Character: Variable

Quality: Masculine, positive

Health: The twin dominates the shoulders and neck, back problems common.

Famous Gemini: Anne Frank, Paul Gauguin

Zodiac Peter Pan, the Wild and Free Gemini, never fully grows into an adult. Not that he is immature or naive, on the contrary – he, in his capacity as messenger of the Gods, has just received the mystery of eternal youth as his birth gift. He doesn’t stop getting excited, he’s always ready to try something new, and his eyes always radiate mischievous curiosity.

The Gemini ruled by Mercury is a merciful speaker. Even when everything he says isn’t quite true. At first, he entices you to give in to things you really didn’t want to do in any way – and afterwards, he still manages to talk about dizziness so you can’t even be angry with him.

However, the twin’s enthusiasm to try something new is not always purely positive. It is not always easy for him to engage in tasks with sufficient long-term tension, and patience in human relationships is not one of Gemini’s strongest qualities either. But when you need an thinker and a project initiator, the smart Twin is in its element. He bursts with thoughts, he inspires others with his speeches … and he can then finish the task when the Twin is already looking for new challenges for himself.

In the Gemini, the ultimate dichotomy of man is at its strongest. If you look closely, you may well see an angel on one shoulder of this charmer and a little devil on the other. He knows how to be an extremely lovable, gentle, at once charming person who wraps you around his little finger six times. And he does it in such a delightful way that you enjoy every moment, even if you know what’s going on. And in the next blink of an eye, he can be a rock-hard cruel man who cares little about your feelings as long as he gets through his own will.

Much of the twin’s life takes place inside his own head. He loves reflection and philosophizing, he enjoys reading and weighs what he reads, further develops ideas, reflects and speculates. You’ll get an avid interlocutor from him, but it’s hardly worth starting a debate against the twins. With his sharp intellect – and even sharper tongue – he will defeat you even if he is wrong.

Gemini and love

The twin cannot be unloved. There is no more charming revelation. It’s just impossible to own him. He does want to conquer you thoroughly and needs your full attention, but for him, commitment to himself is poison, especially to male Gemini. Be prepared for the idea that even though he somehow makes you believe you’re just the only one right for him, there may be one or two people around the corner that he’s got to think exactly the same way. The role of the father in Gemini’s life is great, the female Gemini easily looks for the father’s traits in his partner. The male Gemini can truly love only a woman who is stronger and more independent than her submissive mother.

For the best covenant, Kaksonen makes a strong self-esteem the ram or the Lion with. Especially friends are well suited too Horizontal, Sagittarius and Aquarius, who themselves like to appreciate the independent and freedom – loving Gemini. The Delicate Crab Twin is trampling on his feet, Capricorn and Virgo are tired of his pace, Taurus simply does not understand him.

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