Libra 23.9. – 22.10.

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Horoscope Libra

Libra Horoscope: Week 28 (July 6-12)

Hold on to something as this week goes hard. If you release your grip, you can fall off the ride. You should now seize all the opportunities that are on offer, as you may have to wait a long time for the next one. Every person has their own problems. It is impossible to solve the problems of others, but you can always give and receive support.

The nature of the balance

Keywords: Aesthetics, sociality, celebration

Dominant planet: Venus

Lucky day: Friday

Lucky Color: Pink, light blue

Lucky Stone: Sapphires, emeralds

Element: Air

Character: Dominant

Quality: Masculine, positive

Health: Libra is dominated by the liver and kidneys. Urinary tract diseases are common.

Famous Scales: Margaret Thatcher, Oscar Wilde, Mahatma Gandhi

The diplomat of the zodiac, the sympathetic Libra, emerges in the midst of contradictions, and strives to please others for the rest of his life, even at the expense of his own well-being. As he follows the struggle of his parents, he grows into an extremely sensitive sense of mood, instinctively striving to fulfill another person’s wishes almost before he himself realizes he has missed anything. Libra does everything possible to avoid conflict, and at a young age grows a remarkably strong social conscience.

As a result of all this, Libra is a very pleasant companion and a good friend, but dependence on other people’s opinions and their approval can sometimes make life very awkward for Libra himself. Making a decision is never easy for this hunter … and prone to vanity, he may spend hours in the mirror changing clothes, unable to decide what to wear.

However, Libra is very intelligent, loves in-depth conversations – and can say the things that hurt the most when angry. While laziness is a trait that is often associated with Libra, it is primarily about the ability to focus on the essential. Libra takes time for everything he does. Whether it’s an important job, choosing the right outfit for it, or showing emotion to a loved one.

At his best, Vaaka is in professions where he can advise and help other people – as a therapist, educator, consultant – or, indeed, as a diplomat. The beauty-loving Libra is also well-suited for artistic professions: as a photographer, interior designer or even as an artistic designer.

Libra and love

Striving for harmony in everything, Libra needs balance in just about everything, and he doesn’t feel like he’s in balance without a regular human relationship. Libra loves – loves. There is a deep-seated need within him for a relationship, and when he finds one, he tries his best to avoid the contradictions he constantly encountered in his childhood home. But if he wants the relationship with the romantic Libra to last, one should not stay on the couch and wait for her to be pampered. Libra is a charming partner during socializing, he drowns you in affection, consideration and gifts – but if you don’t understand that all of this is actually a pretense, a ritual he performs to prevent conflicts, you may never get to know the deep and sensitive person who carries within quite an undue burden of guilt.

When trying to make your relationship a perfect work of art, he may forget and sacrifice himself – and that will never be good for longer. Before long, the fair Libra becomes frustrated with his own behavior and becomes bitter – or, more likely – sets out in search of a new object for his perfect feelings. Libra only grows to its full size when it is a free and equal partner. Don’t let him humble yourself to serve yourself, and you will achieve a love of the depth of which you can hardly even dare to dream.

The signs of fire that work best with Libra, Aries, twin and Sagittarius. Aquarius, who understands the importance of freedom, is also a great partner for Libra, and Lions and others do not do well in Libra. Capricorn never finds out the true self of Libra, and mystical Scorpio in turn, it completely confuses Libra.

See also video: Star sign: Libra

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