Lion 23.7. – 22.8.

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Horoscope Leo

Leo’s Horoscope: Week 28 (July 6-12)

Your week starts at a wonderful mark, and best of all, the same line continues throughout the week. Someone’s smile stops you. You can’t pass him, and a smile curls on your face too. This week, you should ask for what you want. Now you are being listened to, and you may well get what you ask for. Practical issues still need to be taken care of. Sacrifice a moment for them too, as boring as it sounds.

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The nature of the lion

Keywords: Spectacularity, pops, creativity, pride

Dominant planet: Sun

Lucky day: Sunday

Lucky Color: Gold, orange

Lucky Stone: Ruby, cat’s eye

Element: Fire

Character: Fixed

Quality: Masculine, positive

Health: The lion controls the heart and blood circulation. Blood pressure, indigestion. Good resistance.

Famous Lions: Napoleon, Henry Fonda

The Sun-ruled Lion is a favorite of the gods. A beautiful, sexy and radiantly energetic constellation royal – who also knows his own worth. Proud and arrogant, Leo wants to stand out from the crowd. From a young age, he is the leader of the crowd and the best in everything. Working in the background is not one of Leo’s patterns, and he is only capable of teamwork if he is allowed to be a team leader. The lion’s toes are quite sensitive – no one should trample on them.

His friendship with the Lion is graciously given only to those who remember to constantly bring out his excellence and praise him for it. But for one who can handle him and let him shine, the Lion is a charming partner with a noble and gentle heart.

For the lion, the world is the stage on which he wants to shine in the lead role. The lion thirsts for fame and glory, he wants to reach for the stars and achieve the indivisible popularity of his audience – be it just one person. However, the lifeblood of a Lion is a person who believes in him and his dreams. While he looks outwardly as a legacy of self-confidence, he is actually very dependent on other people’s acceptance, love, and recognition. Very often the background is a problematic fatherhood – childhood, when the Lion never felt that he was good enough in his father’s eyes. So the rest of his life goes on proving to himself that he is, despite his father, something special.

However, this inner compulsion to show also makes Leo a very vital and life-loving person with whom time really doesn’t last long. Determined and persevering, he also has the ability to realize his vision. But the eternal dude – and snobby – he is.

Lion and love

The lion exudes energy and wants to be superior in his relationships as well. She is generous, considerate, and makes her partner feel more loved than ever before. And as long as the partner manages to worship this king and lift him up on a pedestal, it’s hard to imagine a more charming partner than a Lion. He is also an extremely loyal friend and defends his loved ones in spirit and blood – as long as he himself feels they are worthy of his trust.

A lion loves love and wants to maintain a relationship with first-hand drugs for as long as possible. She is very romantic and is happy to give (and receive) great gifts. However, he also wants to be a leader in his relationship, and is easily dominant. He needs a man by his side with a strong self-esteem – but who himself does not need power in a relationship, but is able to let the Lion shine. The best way to keep a Lion in a good mood is shameless flattery – he believes everything beautiful you come up with to say about him. But unfortunately his hunger is unsatisfactory in this respect. If your worship ceases, he can become quite a tricky companion – who easily turns to looking for the admiration he needs elsewhere.

The best companions for the fiery Lion are all the signs of fire: the rams, archers and also the other Lions, though the power struggle may turn quite fierce. The refreshing Gemini and the romantic Libra are also great for soothing and balancing the Lion.

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