Susiladies to Latvia with 12 players – “We have a wide bunch of quality players”


Head coach of Susiladies Pekka Salminen has nominated a dozen for the Latvian national matches to be played in Riga on Saturday and Sunday. Susiladies will travel to Riga with a young team where as many as three first-timers can be found. The matches can be watched on the Youtube channel of the Latvian Basketball Association.

Susiladies, who trained with a large group throughout the summer, gathered at the Kisakallio Wolf Training Center last weekend for fourteen players, forming the final line-up of twelve players.

– Even in Vido, we have reached the point where we have a wide bunch of high-quality players, Salminen says in a press release from the Basketball Association.

The line-up will feature three first-timers from the women’s national team when they leave for Riga Magdalene Agyei (’99); Kati Ollilainen (‘03) and Sanni Tuomisto (’01). His second national team command again peaks Janette Aarnio (’02).

– All of them are united by the fact that they are really athletic and speed up our play, Salminen says.

A single player with a more experienced guard is Linda-Lotta Lehtoranta, who already has 61 women’s international matches in his account.

– Linda is starting to be in the condition she was in before her injury cycle. He has found new sides in what he is doing. How he carries himself and helps young players develop is insanely great to watch. He is an important player for us today, over the weekend and in the future.

The next most national team games can be found From Anniina Äijänen (26) From Elina Koskimies (18) Pink from Lehtoranta (15) and From Sara Rokkanen (13). Players in less than ten national team matches are Awak Kuier (9) Lotta-Maj Lahtinen (7) and Marianne Kalin (4).

Georgia Tech Lahtinen is the only player in the line-up who does not play either abroad or in the Women’s Basketball League.

– Lotta-Maj is an important player in her perseverance, unyieldingness and putting everything in the league and setting an example for everyone else, which requires taking the next step as a player.

The matches are closed to the public, but they can be watched by the Latvian Basketball Association YouTube channel.


– Saturday 8.8. at 18:00 Latvia – Finland

– Sunday 9.8. at 17:00 Latvia – Finland

Susiladies in the Latvia international match on August 8-9, 2020

# Name Year of birth Length Club 2020/2021
1 Sara ROKKANEN 1996 178 Bembibre (ESP)
3 Magdelene BRAIN 1999 176 Stump
4 Sanni TUOMISTO 2001 182 EBT
7 Elina KOSKIMIES 1996 180 Ibaizabal (ESP)
8 Lotta-Maj LAHTINEN 1999 176 Georgia Tech (NCAA)
9 Awak KUIER 2001 194 Ragusa (ITA)
11 Marianne KALIN 1997 186 Bembibre (ESP)
12 Linda-Lotta LEHTORANTA 1991 178 free agent
13 Pink LEHTORANTA 1997 176 free agent
15 Anniina ÄIJÄNEN 1995 189 Ferrol (ESP)
20 Janette AARNIO 2002 181 HBA Märsky
21 Kati OLLILAINEN 2003 173 HBA Märsky

Head coach Pekka Salminen

Coach Mirka Dettman

Coach Jari Nykänen

Coach Niko Hellman

Physiotherapist Niklas Hamnström

Team leader Ulla Karlsson

Also read: The roles turned in the second encounters of the young national teams against Estonia