The Hiroshima atomic bomb fell to its day 75 years ago – deaths came years later

© AFP / Magazine image
On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear bomb called Little Boy, which immediately killed tens of thousands of people. Pictured is a bombed-out building left as a monument in Hiroshima. LEAF PICTURE / AFP / PHILIP FONG


Today marks the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima in Japan. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear bomb called Little Boy, which immediately killed tens of thousands of people. For example, people died from burns and staying in collapsed buildings.

In the years following the incident, tens of thousands more people died from the aftermath.

Three days later, the United States launched another atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki. A bomb called Fat Man, or a fat man, also killed tens of thousands of people.

The attacks accelerated the end of World War II.

Survivors of the attacks and their relatives have been the strongest and loudest opponents of nuclear weapons.

In 2016, Barack Obama visited Hiroshima as the first incumbent President of the United States. He did not apologize for the attack but embraced the survivors and appealed for a nuclear-weapon-free world.