Virgo 23.8. – 22.9.

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Horoscope Virgo

Virgo Horoscope: Week 28 (July 6-12)

Don’t waste your energy on annoyance and anointing, even if everything doesn’t go the way you want. Prefer to use your strength to try even more next time. This week, you prefer to keep a low profile. You don’t want to be noticed, and you don’t pay attention to anyone yourself. So now you have the best entertainment in your own peace. The farther you are from the rest of the world, the better.

See also all signs of the zodiac and interesting articles on astrology

The nature of the virgin

Keywords: Research, analysis, critical thinking

Dominant planet: Mercury

Lucky day: Wednesday

Lucky Color: Brown, green

Lucky Stone: Peridotite, sardony

Element: I

Character: Variable

Quality: Feminine, negative

Health: Virgo controls the digestive tract and skin. Tendency to gain weight, rashes.

Famous Virgins: Mother Teresa, D.H. Lawrence

The intelligent virgin is the most critical sign of the zodiac. Virgo is often associated with images of a cleaning-minded petty nerd, and of course the Virgo is capable of all of this – but this sensitive and analytical sign is much, much more nonetheless.

Virgo is inherently quite modest, appearing in the background rather than in the limelight. However, due to his talent and perseverance, he often succeeds in his work. The virgin motto could very well be, “If something is done, it must be done properly.” He observes people and life, and also sees more than many combined. It’s hard to hide anything from a virgin, especially when she’s used to interpreting even the smallest of your mind movements – both to please and to anticipate a potential conflict. Virgo often has a strong-willed, submissive, and underestimated mother, under whose shadow the Virgin grows into an insecure but inwardly quite gentle and helpful person. Virgo has a strong innate desire to help other people – and Mother Teresa is an excellent type example of her zodiac sign.

The Virgin receives her gift from Mercury, and if you are the subject of her criticism, you will surely hope that would not be the case. His tongue can become sharply sharp, and with a keen eye he will find the most delicate points. Virgo tries to keep the little things in life in exact order, and is guaranteed to try to control the lives of her loved ones as well. Logical thinking is innate to him, and he can get nervous quickly if things don’t go the way he wants them to. It may take a long time before he realizes that he is indeed forced to stand on his own two feet – and that his problems are not due to what others are doing or failing to do. He carries within him the constant guilt of not being good enough for his mother in all perfectionism … and it may take a long time before he realizes that before he learns to be merciful to himself, no one else is good enough for him.

However, in all its criticality, the Virgin is also very sensitive, also telepathically. He often sees foreboding, and may instinct things at a depth that startles him as well. As an analytical and rational person, he may deny this quality in himself. This is, of course, a great pity, as this sensitivity could help the Virgin sometimes a little loosen up even some of the threads she holds in her hands and give herself more space to live and breathe.

Virgo and love

The analytical and critical Virgo is quite a challenging partner. He seems to anticipate all your needs in advance and fulfill your wishes before you know yourself that you want something – but if you don’t keep your reserves, he might try to live your whole life for you. However, Virgo is an intelligent and jovial partner, and if you don’t take her criticism unnecessarily heavily, life alongside her can become quite deep and interesting. A loving Virgo is faithful to her partner, and although she, as an intellectual person, is not easily able to unleash her passions, she is excellent as a sex partner because she is able to produce plenty of pleasure for her partner as a pleasant source of pleasure and easily interpreting another person.

Other landmarks best suited alongside Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, the other Virgins are also well suited as her partners. Aquarius or the Lion would not really be worth considering even if there were no elements on their maps, such as rising signs, that would help them withstand the criticalness of the Virgin and the need for order.

See also video: Zodiac sign Virgo

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