“When I beat him with a brick head…”

© Press release

Former WWE wrestler Marty Jannetty exclaimed, revealing on Facebook that he made the man disappear. Now Jannetty has opened the case a little more.

Jannetty published an article in which she said she had made the man disappear and this had never been found. He also suggested that the body should be searched in the Chattahoochee River. You can read more about the case here.

Jannetty opened the case further Boston Wrestling Sports program.

– He was at work at the counter. He was known to sell grass. What I didn’t know was that he attracted small children to him, Jannetty said.

At the time, 13-year-old Jannetty claims the man grabbed her genitals, so she tried to escape, but the man grabbed her by the hair. After that, Jannetty grabbed the brick and struggled back.

– I wouldn’t say he deserved to die, but he deserved to get his head. When I beat him with a brick head, I just tried to pull him in the head, I didn’t try to kill him.

Jannetty also told how she dragged the body and eventually threw it into the river.

– Can you imagine dragging a man into the river and throwing him in. And then hear on the news that he is missing. You know him and you know more about the case. It affected me in a bad way, Jannetty opened the situation.

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