Murderer Jeremy Bamber loses bid to bring legal action over prison service refusal to downgrade him

White House Farm serial killer Jeremy Bamber, 59, LOSES High Court legal challenge after prison service refused to downgrade him from maximum security Category A status

  • Five-time murderer Jeremy Bamber, 59, is trying to downgrade his prison status
  • He killed five of his relatives, including two little boys Daniel and Nicholas, six
  • Bamber was refused status bid in March but was appealing decision in court 

Serial killer Jeremy Bamber has lost his latest bid to get himself downgraded from maximum security.

The 59-year-old, serving life for killing five of his relatives, was appealing against a prison service refusal to move him from Category A status.

He was found guilty of murdering his adoptive parents Nevill and June, both 61, his sister Sheila Caffell, 26, and her six-year-old twins Daniel and Nicholas at White House Farm, Essex, in August 1985.

Bamber had always protested his innocence and claimed Ms Caffell, who suffered from schizophrenia, shot her family before turning the gun on herself.

Jeremy Bamber, 59, seen outside court where he was convicted killing five family relatives

He had been pursuing a High Court challenge over the decision taken in March by the director of the long-term and high security estate – part of the prisons and probation service – not to downgrade him from a Category A prisoner, or to direct that an oral hearing on the issue take place.

Category A prisoners are considered the most dangerous to the public and held in maximum security conditions.

At a remote hearing in October, lawyers for Bamber asked Mr Justice Julian Knowles to grant permission for a full hearing of Bamber’s challenge, arguing that the decision was ‘unreasonable’. 

In written documents before the court, Bamber’s barrister Matthew Stanbury said an independent psychologist’s report, commissioned by Bamber’s solicitors, concluded he had met the test for downgrading a Category A prisoner and that these conditions were ‘no longer necessary’ for managing him. 

The adoptive parents of Jeremy Bamber Nevill and June were murdered by the killer in 1985

The adoptive parents of Jeremy Bamber Nevill and June were murdered by the killer in 1985

Sheila Caffell, adoptive sister of Jeremy Bamber, with twin sons Daniel and Nicholas, six

Sheila Caffell, adoptive sister of Jeremy Bamber, with twin sons Daniel and Nicholas, six

White House farm, Tolleshunt d'Arcy, Essex, the scene of Bamber's appalling murders

White House farm, Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Essex, the scene of Bamber’s appalling murders

He argued the decision not to downgrade Bamber from Category A was ‘unreasonable’ as it ‘substantially misrepresented’ the opinion given by the independent psychologist. 

He also said that ‘fairness required an oral hearing’ over whether Bamber should be downgraded, for reasons including the fact that he ‘has served 35 years without ever having an oral hearing, and the passage of time means that a risk assessment is more difficult without a face-to-face assessment’.

The Ministry of Justice was opposing Bamber’s action and today’s challenge was the latest action in his long-running attempt to clear his name.

He had an appeal against his convictions dismissed by the Court of Appeal in 2002, and also had a High Court challenge to the Criminal Cases Review Commission’s (CCRC) refusal to refer his case for another appeal rejected in 2012.

Bamber is in the process of pursuing a fresh application to the CCRC. 

The White House Farm murders that shook Britain 

The brutal murder of two angelic boys, their mother and their grandparents at a secluded farmhouse in the Essex countryside in August 1985 was one of those awful stories that sticks in the mind.

Not least because at first everyone thought the killer was in fact one of the victims.

Schizophrenic Sheila Caffell, the adopted daughter of Nevill and June Bamber, was initially accused of shooting dead her parents and her six-year-old twins Daniel and Nicholas, then turning the gun on herself.

Police thought it was an open and shut case, until suspicions grew around Sheila’s brother Jeremy Bamber, who would have received a large inheritance.

He told the police his father had called him at his home nearby on the day of the murders to say Sheila had a gun and had gone ‘berserk’, but those suspicions led to Jeremy being charged with the five murders, and in 1986 he was given a life sentence.

This case defined its era in so many ways. It was the first multiple murder case like this and mistakes made by the police resulted in huge changes. It was also defining because of the way Sheila and her mental health issues were treated.

The police initially believe Jeremy’s story that his sister had gone mad. However their suspicions were soon raised. 

Detective Sergeant Stan Jones was among the officers who hadn’t been convinced by Bamber and claimed he had informed senior officers that they ‘had not been happy’ with the way Bamber had carried himself. 

Bamber was later arrested and charged with the murder of his parents, sister and her twin boys. 

A year later he was convicted of all five murders and sentenced to life in prison. Since then he has appealed against his life sentence several times and has spoken out, protesting his innocence. 

He is a category A prisoner at HMP Wakefield in Yorkshire.