UK confirms 23,287 more positive coronavirus tests and 355 deaths on Friday

UK’s official number of daily cases drops AGAIN with 23,287 new infections – down 5% on last week – as health chiefs confirm 355 more deaths

  • Department of Health data shows diagnosed cases are down on last week
  • They have also fallen on yesterday’s toll and declined three times this week

The UK has today confirmed 23,287 more positive coronavirus tests and 355 deaths, as around 13,000 people are now in hospital with the disease.

New cases are down five per cent from the 24,405 declared last Friday and lower than the 24,141 diagnosed yesterday. The daily average has dropped to 22,392.

Fatalities are the lowest since Monday but still mark a rise in the daily average, from 309 to 321, and have surged 29.6 per cent since last Friday, when there were 274.

Department of Health data confirmed there were 12,999 people in hospital with Covid-19 on Wednesday, the most recent data, with 1,525 new admissions on Monday.

England started its second lockdown yesterday amid concerns rapid spread of the virus in September and October is leading to surging hospital admissions across the North of England and sparking fears the NHS could be overwhelmed again.

But the move has proven controversial as streams of data from various sources – some official and some not – seem to show that the local lockdown policy was working.

The Office for National Statistics today recorded the first decline in five weeks in its estimated of daily new infections in England, predicting that 45,700 people caught the virus each day last week, down from 51,900 the week before.