Jackie ‘O’ Henderson says it should be legal to text while stopped at traffic lights

Jackie ‘O’ Henderson says it should be legal to text while stopped at traffic lights – as she debates road rules with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian bravely appeared on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Thursday morning to discuss road penalties in the state. 

During the chat, radio host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson said that she thinks it should be legal for drivers to use their phones and send texts while stopped at traffic lights – but not while actually driving, of course.

Ms Berejiklian didn’t agree, however, and warned that there ‘will be cameras there if you’re on the phone’ as well as ‘extra monitoring’ on NSW roads in the coming weeks.

Road rules: Jackie ‘O’ Henderson (pictured) told NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on Thursday that it should be legal to text while stopped at traffic lights

Even though her co-host Kyle Sandilands agreed there should be ‘no phones’ in the car at any time, Jackie had a different opinion. 

‘I’m not on the phone ever, I’m a big believer in no phones while driving definitely no texting,’ Kyle explained.

‘Because every traffic light you go to turn right at, every single person is on their phone.’ 

Laying down the law: Ms Berejiklian didn't agree, and warned that there 'will be cameras there if you're on the phone' as well as 'extra monitoring' on NSW roads in the coming weeks

Laying down the law: Ms Berejiklian didn’t agree, and warned that there ‘will be cameras there if you’re on the phone’ as well as ‘extra monitoring’ on NSW roads in the coming weeks

‘That’s okay, you give them a little toot,’ Jackie added, defending those who glance at their phones at red lights.

Ms Berejiklian scolded her, saying: ‘No, the distraction’s really bad.’

Jackie clarified that she wasn’t advocating for texting while driving, but said it’s okay to look at your phone briefly while stopped at a light. 

'I'm not on the phone ever': Kyle Sandilands strongly disagreed with Jackie, telling her that phones should be out of view at all times while driving

‘I’m not on the phone ever’: Kyle Sandilands strongly disagreed with Jackie, telling her that phones should be out of view at all times while driving

‘I agree whilst driving, but don’t you think while were sitting at traffic lights with nothing to do, we can’t just look at something?’ she asked.   

The road rules discussion comes after Jackie unveiled her stunning Christmas tree, designed by styling company Dancer and Dasher, over the weekend.

While the exact size of her tree is unknown, Dancer and Dasher’s website states that a standard 180cm Christmas tree and decoration supply package costs $2,500 and installation starts from $1,000. 

Showpiece: The road rules discussion comes after Jackie unveiled her stunning Christmas tree, designed by styling company Dancer and Dasher, over the weekend

Showpiece: The road rules discussion comes after Jackie unveiled her stunning Christmas tree, designed by styling company Dancer and Dasher, over the weekend

Pastel: While the exact size of her tree is unknown, Dancer and Dasher's website states that a standard 180cm Christmas tree and decoration supply package costs $2,500 and installation starts from $1,000

Pastel: While the exact size of her tree is unknown, Dancer and Dasher’s website states that a standard 180cm Christmas tree and decoration supply package costs $2,500 and installation starts from $1,000