Ashley Graham experienced ‘traumatic’ hair loss just four months after birthing son Isaac

Ashley Graham has spoken about the ‘trauma’ she experienced when she started to lose her hair after welcoming her son Isaac Menelik Giovanni last year.

The 33-year-old supermodel gave a interview to Parents, in which she revealed her ‘entire hairline fell out’ after giving birth in January 2020.

She recalled: ‘That was more traumatic than even birth because I was like, “My hair’s falling out in clumps — what am I doing?” and then I realized it’s actually a thing’.

Traumatic: Ashley Graham revealed her ‘whole hairline fell out’ after welcoming her son Isaac Menelik Giovanni in January 2020 (Ashley pictured in March displaying her postpartum hair regrowth)

Along with the ‘traumatic’ hair loss, Graham added her ‘skin got a bit irritated as well, and I had a little bit of rosacea that I had to combat’ after welcoming Isaac. 

Ashley previously referenced her struggle with hair loss when she shared a picture of her postpartum hair regrowth in an Instagram post. 

Wearing her hair in a bun to show off the regrowth along the hairline, Ashley poked fun of her look, as she quipped: ‘i may not be a bond girl but i can be a bond villain (postpartum baby hairs come through!!!) [sic]’  

Opening up: The 33-year-old supermodel spoke about the traumatic postpartum experience in an interview with Parents (Ashley pictured on Monday)

Opening up: The 33-year-old supermodel spoke about the traumatic postpartum experience in an interview with Parents (Ashley pictured on Monday)

Back in March, the runway maven uploaded a selfie to Instagram showcasing the ‘postpartum baby hairs’ that sprouted along her once barren hairline. 

What causes postpartum hair loss? 

Postpartum hair loss is a normal and temporary part of the post-birth process.

A change in hormones boosts the growth phase of your hair during pregnancy, meaning most women enjoy thicker hair than usual.

After giving birth, your hormones change again – meaning a larger number of hairs enter the resting phase, followed by shedding. 

This means new mums could experience more hair loss than usual once the resting phase ends. 

Graham is not alone in her experience, as many women experience some hair loss after giving birth, though it is usually temporary. 

For context, losing about 80 hairs a day is normal, but new moms tend to shed about 400 hairs a day.

As the effects of pregnancy-related hormonal changes on the body slowly subside, the hair will usually return to its normal state. 

Although every person is different, postpartum hair loss typically starts soon after giving birth, and stops after around three to six months. 

Elsewhere in the interview, Ashley took a moment to passionately contest the notion that breastfeeding helps the weight gained during pregnancy ‘fall off.’ 

‘That was BS. And I’m still working on like 20 pounds,’ she admitted.

‘When I say working on, I just kind of look at it every day like, “Hello, new body.” And that’s just kind of how I go on with it.’

Even with the physical and emotional challenges that come with welcoming a child into the world, Graham stressed that Isaac makes it all worth it. 

‘The rewards are daily. Isaac brings us so much joy, just watching him grow and learn. And he’s so inquisitive. And he’s so curious. And he’s a big adventurer.

Family: The Revlon spokesmodel shares her firstborn with husband of nearly 11-years, director Justin Ervin, 32. The pair tied the knot in 2010 after meeting at their mutual church

Family: The Revlon spokesmodel shares her firstborn with husband of nearly 11-years, director Justin Ervin, 32. The pair tied the knot in 2010 after meeting at their mutual church

‘So, I have to say it’s a daily joy being around him. It just makes me want to have more and more,’ Ashley gushed to the outlet.

The Revlon spokesmodel shares her firstborn with husband of nearly 11-years, director Justin Ervin, 32. The pair tied the knot in 2010 after meeting at their mutual church.

Ervin recently shot the stunning campaign images for Graham’s collaboration with the brand Flamingo.  

‘I DESIGNED MY OWN RAZOR AND BODY CARE WITH @MEETFLAMINGO. GO BUY IT!’ captioned the brunette beauty, who eagerly shared her Flamingo ad with her Instagram following last week.

In a statement, she said: ‘My philosophy has always been: shave what you want, wax what you want, leave what you want — do what works for you.’

And she has continued to encourage her fans on social media platforms like TikTok to celebrate their bodies and compliment themselves.

In a recent clip, she said: ‘The strongest part of my body? My legs. The sexiest part of my body: my eyes. My favorite part of my body. My jawline lol. The most important part of my body? My smile. The part of my body I would never change. EVERYTHING!!!’

And after telling fans to duet and recreate the video with their own self-love affirmations she got emotional. ‘I’m not crying you’re crying,’ she wrote adding that she loved seeing so many ‘beautiful people’ taking part in the body celebration.

Exciting! Ashley's husband recently shot the stunning campaign images for Graham's collaboration with the brand Flamingo

Exciting! Ashley’s husband recently shot the stunning campaign images for Graham’s collaboration with the brand Flamingo