JD Sports denies it is looking for a new boss

JD Sports denies it is looking for a new boss amid reports succession planning is under way

JD Sports has had to deny it is looking for a new boss amid reports succession planning is under way. 

It insisted it was not seeking someone to take over from executive chairman Peter Cowgill, who has been at the helm since 2004.

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 ‘JD can confirm to both investors and to its international brand partners that the board is not engaged in a process to recruit a chief executive officer or chairman,’ it said. 

However, it added: ‘JD can also confirm that it is continually reviewing the depth of its management team to ensure that the senior operational leadership team in the business has the necessary skills and experience.’ 

It followed speculation after a line in JD’s annual report said: ‘Additional succession planning has occurred throughout the financial year following concerns relating to the single appointment of the executive chairman.’ 

Cowgill has been chairman for around 17 years and told The Times: ‘I’m definitely not going anywhere.’ JD added that Cowgill will be present for its capital markets day in October.