Andy Murray gets furious in crazy golf ‘relaxing zone’ at US Open

Turning the air blue! Andy Murray’s X-rated rants caught on camera when he misses crazy golf shots and cornhole tosses in the US Open’s ‘relaxing zone’ for players Andy Murray has been testing the new ‘relaxing zone’ for players at the US Open  The area includes a crazy golf course, a section for cornhole tosses … Read more

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs – suggesting they are more similar to us than previously thought Elephant handlers were asked to yawn, fake yawn and make mouth movements  They ‘caught a yawn’ whenever the handlers yawned for real or fake yawned  Before this only chimps and dogs had … Read more

Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will ban all new politics ads week before election

Facebook will ban all new political advertisements the week before the election, founder Mark Zuckerberg announced Thursday as part of a series of moves to prevent interference in the November contest. ‘We’re going to block new political and issue ads during the final week of the campaign. It’s important that campaigns can run get out … Read more

Mother goes for a walk on Boeing 737’s WING to ‘get some air’ while waiting to disembark in Ukraine

Mother goes for a walk on Boeing 737’s WING to ‘get some air’ because she was ‘too hot’ while waiting to disembark in Ukraine A woman climbed onto the wing of a plane when landing in Kyiv from Antalya Videos show the women stalling on the wing before climbing back in the cabin The mother-of-two was banned from … Read more

Headteacher threatens to fine parents who refuse to send children back to classroom from next week

A headteacher will next week begin handing down fines to cautious parents who refuse to send their children back to classrooms. Tina Wilkinson revealed that 25 pupils were absent from St Andrew’s Primary School in Lancashire yesterday, despite her repeated warnings of penalties.  Fines are doled out after five absent days, meaning their parents have until … Read more

Chinese school brings an infantry fighting vehicle to ‘teach the pupils about patriotism’ 

Chinese school brings an infantry fighting vehicle packed with fully-geared soldiers to the campus to ‘teach the pupils about patriotism’ Dramatic footage shows the armoured military carrier rolled past the students  Four uniformed soldiers were seen crouching down while holding their weapons  Three schoolboys were also in the vehicle as they waved Chinese national flags … Read more