TV drama plans to feature a meeting between Boris Johnson’s love child, 11, and baby Wilfred

A television company is planning to feature Boris Johnson’s love child in a drama about his first year in Downing Street, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Producers say the drama, This Sceptred Isle, will document how the Prime Minister has dealt with the pandemic, his own health battle with Covid-19 and the birth of … Read more

DAN HODGES: The second wave of Covid swamped Captain Hindsight – and the jab could wash him away… 

At Wednesday’s PMQs, an unusual thing happened. Boris Johnson flattened Sir Keir Starmer.  ‘Would the Prime Minister be happy with his kids living on that?’ the Labour leader chided, as he attempted to get some leverage in the row over free school meal parcels. ‘They are an insult to the families who have received them,’ … Read more

Matt Hancock filmed out in London park after Boris Johnson’s national plea to ‘stay home’

Matt Hancock was seen ‘covered in mud’ and carrying a rugby ball through a London park this afternoon the day after Boris Johnson pleaded with the nation to ‘stay at home this weekend’.  The Prime Minister yesterday released a video calling on the public to ‘think twice’ before leaving the house as he moved to cool … Read more

Doctors and nurses fears they could be prosecuted for switching off Covid patients’ life support

Doctors and nurses are calling for protection from ‘inappropriate legal challenges,’ as they fear criminal investigations could follow decisions to withdraw life support while treating Covid-19 patients. Last November Boris Johnson warned health workers could ‘be forced to choose which patients to treat, who would live and who would die,’ should the NHS become overwhelmed … Read more

England’s streets lie almost deserted amid Covid-19 lockdown

Defiant Britons ignored Boris Johnson’s plea to ‘stay at home this weekend’ as vast crowds flocked to the country’s beauty spots and Saturday food shoppers shunned wearing face masks in supermarkets. The Prime Minister yesterday issued a video calling on the public to ‘think twice’ before leaving the house as he moved to cool rising optimism that … Read more

BOTH Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, expert warns

Both Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, a Sage expert has warned after Boris Johnson declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday. Two variants of interest have been identified in South America; the first has a small number of mutations and eight … Read more

Covid UK: More than 300,000 coronavirus jabs are delivered in one day

Britain’s vaccination programme is ahead of schedule after more than 300,000 jabs were delivered in a single day. Some 3.2million doses have now been doled out – far more than in any other European nation. Chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance hailed the rollout as a ‘miracle’, with the NHS confirming that 316,694 jabs were administered … Read more

Lichfield Cathedral is transformed into a Covid jab station

Pensioners flocked to Litchfield Cathedral today after it was transformed into a make-shift Covid vaccination centre.  Hundreds of people thronged the magnificent 826-year-old gothic edifice to visit temporary nursing stations where they received the Oxford-AstraZeneca injection.  Britain’s oldest three-spired cathedral, in Staffordshire, was dubbed ‘the most glamorous vaccine centre in Britain’ by the city’s MP. … Read more

Boris suspends ALL travel corridors from 4am Monday

Boris Johnson today declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday as he begged Britons to ‘stay at home this weekend’. At a Downing Street briefing, the PM warned it was ‘not the time to relax’ as he escalated controls at the country’s borders again. Amid … Read more