‘Lift lockdown, or face leadership challenge’, Boris Johnson told

Tory revolt over lockdown: Influential backbencher Steve Baker orders Boris to ‘lift restrictions soon, or face leadership challenge’ as he demands a ‘guarantee’ there won’t be same restrictions ‘next winter’ Steve Baker has written to Tories to urge them to register lockdown opposition He has told Boris Johnson to ditch the strategy of repeated Covid … Read more

Covid UK: South America travel banned due to Brazil super-strain

The UK is banning all travellers from South America, Panama and Cape Verde as well as Portugal amid fears over the coronavirus super-strain that emerged in Brazil. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said he was taking ‘urgent’ action in an effort to prevent the mutant version getting into Britain. No-one who has been in any of … Read more

Fresh free school meals row as union warns poor families will NOT get food over February half-term

Meal scheme will switch for half-term  The free meal system for school pupils will change over the February half term – as the government tries to balance its books by using a different department’s funding for the food. In a switchover that has the potential to spark some administration issues, meals for those that need … Read more

Finance boss at Oxford Covid vaccine firm drove 250 miles to second home ‘in search of better wi-fi’

Finance boss at Oxford Covid vaccine firm is spoken to by police after driving 250 miles to his second home ‘in search of better wi-fi signal’ Lee Warren travelled from Staffordshire to Rothbury, Northumberland last week He travelled with family on January 4, the same day lockdown was announced Three days later police ordered Mr … Read more

Supermarket shoppers are forced to wait up to three WEEKS for a delivery slot

Supermarket shoppers are being forced to wait up to three weeks for a delivery slot as grocery giants are flooded with online orders. Customers looking to book a time for their food to be dropped off at home are facing a wall of ‘unavailability’ as Britons turn to shopping via the web amid the third … Read more

Priti Patel calls for ‘action’ against food firm Chartwells behind ‘appalling’ free school meals

Priti Patel today called for the £24.8billion-earning company behind the meal parcel that sparked the school dinner scandal to be punished, declaring ‘they should be ashamed of themselves’. The Home Secretary described the food package from Compass group-owned Chartwells as an ‘appalling display’ that was ‘totally unacceptable’. A government investigation is currently underway into the meal, … Read more

Miriam Margolyes slams ‘clown’ Boris Johnson AGAIN for his handling of COVID-19 pandemic

Miriam Margolyes has once again slammed Prime Minister Boris Johnson‘s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic after previously claiming she wished he’d died of the virus. The actress, 79, who has never minced her words when discussing the politician, admitted she fled the UK in May and doesn’t wish to return home until the case numbers … Read more

Ministers are set to ban flights from Brazil and surrounding countries

No10 looks set to finally ban flights from Brazil today, days after scientists sounded the alarm about a new Covid super-strain. Boris Johnson and ministers on the Covid-O committee will today consider suspending all travel from the whole of South America to tackle the variant.  This could include other countries such as Argentina, Uruguay and … Read more

Boris Johnson warns EU he ‘won’t hesitate’ to bypass Brexit rules to keep NI supermarkets stocked

Boris Johnson sent a clear warning to the EU that he would bypass Brexit trade rules between Britain and Northern Ireland as he blamed ‘bureaucracy’ for empty supermarket shelves in Ulster. The Prime Minister said ‘teething problems’ were to blame for a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in Ulster in the past weeks – … Read more

Ministers set to ban Brazil flights DAYS after new Covid super-strain emerged

Ministers faced accusations of failing to protect the UK today as they prepare to ban flights from Brazil days after a new Covid super-strain emerged – and new rules requiring arrivals to have tested negative were delayed. Boris Johnson admitted yesterday that he is ‘concerned’ about the latest mutant – which the Government has known … Read more