Scores of Hong Kongers in the UK say they want to STAY in the UK

‘Hundreds of thousands of people’ from Hong Kong might come to the UK after the Government offered an escape route to around three million people in the city to live here, said a former British consulate worker who alleged he was tortured in China. Simon Cheng is the first person to have been granted political … Read more

UK unveils ‘special bespoke’ escape route for three million Hong Kong residents after China clapdown

Boris Johnson unveiled firm plans for the UK to take in up to three million Hong Kong residents today as he blasted China over a draconian new clampdown on opposition.   The Prime Minister hit out after the introduction of a landmark new security law giving the communist state sweeping powers to punish dissent in the … Read more

Coronavirus: Scientists grade countries’ response to pandemic

A new model has grouped countries into ‘clusters’ depending on how they did over the course of the coronavirus pandemic.  Researchers from Australia and China found that when the response against the virus first began in January, China was in its own cluster, split from the rest of the world. However, as cases spread around … Read more

48 Group Club sues over claims UK elite ‘groomed by China’

An influential London club packed with business and political heavyweights is taking legal action against a book which claims Beijing is grooming the British establishment. The 48 Group Club, which counts former deputy prime minister Lord Heseltine among its founders, took down its website after ‘Hidden Hand’ was published, The Times reported. Stephen Perry, a … Read more

Scientists find 16 ‘clusters’ of countries that did better or worse in battle against coronavirus

A new model has grouped countries into ‘clusters’ depending on how they did over the course of the coronavirus pandemic.  Researchers from Australia and China found that when the response against the virus first began in January, China was in its own cluster, split from the rest of the world. However, as cases spread around … Read more

China has been expanding its nuclear arsenal, think tank warns

China is developing a so-called ‘nuclear triad’ for the first time, which is made up of new land- and sea-based missiles and nuclear-capable aircraft, a European think tank has warned.   Beijing also equipped itself with at least 30 new warheads in 2019 as part of the country’s ‘significant modernisation’ of nuclear arsenal, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute … Read more

The worst is yet to come: World Health Organization warns

The worst of the Covid-19 pandemic is ‘yet to come’, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned. WHO director Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus claimed the spread of the virus was actually speeding up, despite lockdowns being loosened around the world. He said countries like South Korea, China, Germany, Singapore and Japan had shown there is a … Read more

China passes feared security law in Hong Kong

Campaigners mourned ‘the end of Hong Kong as we know it’ today after China passed a sweeping new national security law which critics say will smother the city’s freedoms.  The legislation was unanimously approved by China’s rubber-stamp parliament, little more than six weeks after it was first unveiled.  Though the wording of the law has … Read more