DAN HODGES: Keir Starmer showed why he’s floundering in all the polls 

He didn’t display the same emotional range and his tone was slightly less sombre. But there was something familiar about last Monday’s response from Sir Keir Starmer to the crisis enveloping the Royal Family. ‘The issues that Meghan has raised on race and mental health are really serious,’ the Labour leader said, ‘and it’s a reminder … Read more

DOMINIC SANDBROOK says surely there’s only so long Harry and Meghan can trade on their pique

For the oldest and most venerable institution in Britain, this has been a truly terrible week. When the news broke that Harry and Meghan had given an interview to Oprah Winfrey, Buckingham Palace insiders must have feared the worst. Few, though, could have imagined quite how ghastly the fallout would be. For days, the House … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches the launch of Labour’s local elections campaign

Treble espressos all round, Giovanni! And while you’re at it, best poke a couple of matchsticks under our eyelids lest we find ourselves toppling into a deep and rigid coma. Sir Keir Starmer launched Labour’s local elections campaign yesterday morning and, ye gods, it was a force-five, chateau-bottled boreathon. To think I could been watching … Read more