SIR KENNETH OLISA: Why I, the Queen’s black Lord Lieutenant, do not believe the royals are racist

One of the most contentious claims made in Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey this week was that one about race. A member of the Royal Family is alleged to have raised questions or concerns about ‘how dark’ the skin of Meghan’s child might be. And the uproar that ensued has been deafening, with the word … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: So whatever Meghan Markle now says must be true (and God help anyone who disagrees!)

There are two sharply divergent views about the Duchess of Sussex. One is held by Piers Morgan, who has just left ITV’s Good Morning Britain breakfast programme in a huff. It is doubtless shared by millions of less voluble Britons. According to Mr Morgan, Meghan’s contribution to the Oprah Winfrey interview was a ‘diatribe of … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Never mind the Press… the Sussexes have sensationalised their story

Prince Harry has been accused by a Government minister of having ‘blown up’ his family. Zac Goldsmith is right. The damage is enormous, and one can only salute the Queen for her brief and dignified statement last night. In their incendiary interview with Oprah Winfrey, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex set out to destroy … Read more

How ironic that when Harry called his Pakistani colleague the ‘P’-word, it was ‘without malice’ 

As the dust from that neutron bomb of an interview begins to settle, and the full extent of the fallout becomes clear, it seems Megxit has become even more divisive than Brexit. To her many (predominately young) fans, ‘Meghan’s truth’ is gospel, a heartbreaking tale of loneliness and victimisation. They are grateful to her — … Read more

ROBERT HARDMAN: Prince Charles’ visit to BAME church-goers was a beacon of diversity

Sandwiched between the North Circular Road and the Browning, Jones & Morris plumbing depot, Brent Terrace is, in every sense, a world apart from the gated celebrity estates of sunny Montecito, California. It was here that we found the Prince of Wales back in public yesterday, adopting the time-honoured strategy of royalty in times of … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: Help me if you can with this Beatles trivia

Having just finished writing a 600-page book about The Beatles, I was feeling rather pleased with myself. To celebrate its completion, friends gave me a Beatles-themed version of Trivial Pursuit. Ho, ho, ho, I thought, smugly: this will be a pushover! After all, I am now an expert! The first question — What is the … Read more