MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Jab refuseniks won’t respond to bullying, there are better ways

There are few more inspiring events than a major medical breakthrough. Almost overnight, a new discovery removes the fear of a previously terrifying disease.  Formerly vital precautions rapidly become obsolete. Life in general is easier and happier. Again and again, over the past two centuries, human ingenuity and determination have conquered or driven back many … Read more

Netflix reflects reality? What a Crowning cheek: The verdict of royal biographer ROBERT HARDMAN

Watching the Duke of Sussex’s knockabout routine with comedian James Corden on America’s Late Late Show, you soon see why Netflix executives wanted to sign up the Duke and Duchess to make TV programmes. Here is the impish, funny Harry of yesteryear. It’s rather reassuring to see he hasn’t been completely erased by Harry the … Read more

LOUIS DE BERNIÈRES on the Scottish independence debate

The debate over Scottish independence hotted up yesterday after former SNP leader Alex Salmond gave incendiary evidence to a cross-party committee at Holyrood. Salmond accused current First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and former colleagues, including Peter Murrell, Sturgeon’s husband and SNP chief executive, of engaging in ‘a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to destroy his … Read more

LOUIS DE BERNIÈRES on the Scottish independence debate

The debate over Scottish independence hotted up yesterday after former SNP leader Alex Salmond gave incendiary evidence to a cross-party committee at Holyrood. Salmond accused current First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and former colleagues, including Peter Murrell, Sturgeon’s husband and SNP chief executive, of engaging in ‘a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to destroy his … Read more

JAN MOIR on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle”s profile-raising offensive in America

Think about others rather than yourself, said the Queen this week. Yet over in LA, her wise words beseeching altruism and humanity fell on deaf ears.  ‘My life is always going to be about public service,’ said the Duke of Sussex in his first post–Megxit TV interview, rather proving that the service he has in … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Old pals? Alex Salmond said Nicola Sturgeon did him up like an Arbroath kipper 

As acts of revenge go, it was sleep with the fishes, severed horse head in the bed stuff.  A Sicilian double-tap to the temple. Godfather author Mario Puzo would have struggled to concoct anything quite so vicious. Alex Salmond’s long-awaited appearance in front of the Scottish parliament’s harassment committee was savage, with no holds barred. … Read more