BEVERLEY TURNER: Why I refused to clap for Captain Tom 

Sir Tom Moore was a wonderfully optimistic 100-year-old Yorkshireman who’s determination lifted the mood of the nation.  I have defended his right to take one last holiday in Barbados with his lovely family and have toasted his extraordinary fundraising efforts. I understand why people would wish to publicly applaud him on their doorsteps – not … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: Feel lucky, punk? Then try a Dirty Harry wash cycle

Heart-throb George Clooney has revealed that during lockdown he has been doing seven loads of laundry a day, as well as a variety of household tasks, including sewing, cooking and mopping the floor. But Clooney isn’t the first silver-screen hero to be a master of domestic chores… Heart-throb George Clooney has revealed that during lockdown … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: He wanted to ditch the Queen. So who is the new flag-waving Keir Starmer kidding?

Earlier this week Sir Keir Starmer presented a party political broadcast beside a Union Flag, promising to ‘rebuild our country’. Can you imagine his predecessor as Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, wrapping himself in the flag? Only if it were the Palestinian one, or possibly the Irish tricolour, in homage to his long-standing apparent support for … Read more

Don’t panic over door-to-door testing, writes Professor BRENDAN WREN 

Don’t panic. This is not doomsday. The sight of government testers going door-to-door in protective clothing, in search of the new Covid variants, might look like a scene from a horror movie, but there’s no cause for real alarm. Coronavirus mutations such as the so-called South African variant, which have emerged in recent weeks, are … Read more

DOMINIC SANDBROOK: The incompetent Eurocrats are in a horrible hole. So why are they STILL digging?

For politicians across the world, the past 12 months have brought challenges few could have imagined. And inevitably, every government has made its share of mistakes. But for some people, determined to hold up a magnifying glass to Britain’s failings, there has always been a shining beacon of honesty and competence — the EU. Time … Read more