France records just 104 daily coronavirus deaths – three times fewer than the day before

France has recorded 104 new coronavirus deaths on Friday – three times fewer than the day before, which saw 351 fatalities – as Slovenia becomes the first European country to declare an end to the epidemic and bars reopen in Berlin. It brings the country’s total to 27,529, still the fourth-highest in the world, after … Read more

Coronavirus UK: France WON’T be exempted from 14-day isolation rules

Quarantine chaos: France WON’T be exempted from 14-day isolation rules but business travellers could be let in as announcement is postponed UK had initially said it would force anyone flying into Britain to remain in isolation Boris Johnson then agreed mutual tourists exemption with Emmanuel Macron However the UK has now ended proposals for a … Read more

Majestic giants terrified of a tiny bee!

Majestic giants terrified of a tiny bee! Gripping tome reveals little-known facts about elephants – including how flying insects are used to keep them away from farmer’s crops Levison Wood sparks a conversation about ensuring the survival of elephants  In a tome, he reveals there’s fewer than half a million of the animals left in … Read more

Holiday Guru investigates claiming refunds for Airbnb bookings and BA flights and quarantine rules

From claiming refunds for Airbnb and British Airways bookings to quarantine rules when travelling to Europe: The Holiday Guru solves travel queries By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 16:54 BST, 14 May 2020 | Updated: 16:56 BST, 14 May 2020 The Holiday Guru is always on call to answer your questions.  This week, the issues tackled … Read more

Coronavirus: US to get French vaccine first after funding company

Americans will get priority for French drugmaker Sanofi’s coronavirus vaccine because the US rushed to be first to give the company funding for its research back in February, chief executive officer Paul Hudson told Bloomberg.  ‘The US government has the right to the largest pre-order because it’s invested in taking the risk’ by giving Sanofi … Read more

UK plan to exempt France from travel quarantine must apply to all of EU, European Commission warns

Britain’s plan to exempt France from 14-day travel quarantine must be applied to EVERY EU member state, the European Commission warns On Sunday the UK agreed that French travellers to UK would not face quarantine  Every other member of the EU must quarantine for two weeks upon arrival in UK  European Commission says UK must … Read more

Horses can recognize photos of their owners even after six months or more apart, according to study

Neighh-ver forget! Horses can recognize photos of their owners even after six months or more apart, according to new study A study in France tested horses’ abilities to recognize photos of their keepers The horses were presented with two screens with photos of two humans Initially the screens showed random humans, but over time one … Read more

Haunting images by Romain Veillon of France’s last panopticon jail in Autun

There are few places in all of France as forbidding as this abandoned 19th-century prison – as these eerie pictures show. They were taken by French photographer Romain Veillon inside the city of Autun jail, which has a design much-dreaded among prisoners – panopticon, a word derived from panoptes, the Greek for ‘all-seeing’. The cylindrical … Read more

Air France, KLM and Lufthansa make face masks compulsory for passengers amid the coronavirus crisis 

Three major European airlines have made it compulsory for all passengers to wear face masks during flights in response to the coronavirus crisis. Air France and KLM say they will be telling customers to wear a mask throughout their journey from next Monday (May 11). German airline Lufthansa brought in the new rule yesterday (May … Read more