How stink bombs and rotten tomatoes struck the first blows for #MeToo

When the reigning Miss World appeared on stage in 1969 in war-torn Saigon, alongside comedian Bob Hope, she received a rapturous reception from thousands of salivating US troops recovering from their brutal battles in Vietnam. Just weeks earlier more than 100 million viewers worldwide watched on TV as Eva Rueber-Staier, Miss Austria, was crowned as … Read more

How my daring Dad duped the Nazis: Jews were send to Auschwitz but Hans Neumann moved to Berlin

BOOK OF THE WEEK WHEN TIME STOPPED: A MEMOIR OF MY FATHER’S WAR  by Ariana Neumann (Scribner £16.99, 368pp) In the opening pages of this beautifully written, heart-wrenching memoir of love and family and war is a detailed family tree of the author’s Czech heritage. It seems dauntingly complex as family trees often do, littered … Read more

Shoebox in Grandma’s cupboard that revealed one of the Holocaust’s greatest survival stories

House Of Glass Hadley Freeman Fourth Estate £16.99 Rating: The dedication at the front of this remarkable book is short and sweet. ‘For my father, Ron Freeman,’ it reads, ‘and my Grandma Sala.’ But like so much else in House Of Glass, those simple words contain a universe. Twelve years after her grandmother’s death in … Read more

Victory In The Kitchen by Annie Gray review: ‘Popular history at its very best’

Annie Gray’s delicious Victory In The Kitchen, a biography of Georgina Landemare, Winston Churchill’s cook, is ‘popular history at its very best’ By Kathryn Hughes Published: 22:01 BST, 22 February 2020 | Updated: 16:53 BST, 26 February 2020 Victory In The Kitchen: The Life Of Churchill’s Cook Annie Gray              … Read more

It’s horribly ironic that I wrote to Caroline: ‘It’s just TV and nobody died’

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Woke in Los Angeles to the shocking news that Caroline Flack has taken her own life at just 40 years old. After decades working in the news business, I don’t shock easily but this left me, like everyone who knew her, absolutely reeling. Caroline was a mate of mine. We weren’t close … Read more