US Ambassador to China Terry Branstad steps down amid rapidly deteriorating relations

April, 2017: Donald Trump welcomes China’s President Xi Jinping for two-day summit at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Trump hails the ‘tremendous progress’ made at the meeting and Xi references further understanding and trust between the countries. In May, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross reveals a ten-part agreement between Beijing and Washington to build up … Read more

Random acts of kindness are more rewarding than volunteering and planned generosity, study finds 

Random acts of kindness are more rewarding and improve the wellbeing of the do-gooder more than volunteering and planned generosity, study finds Researchers analysed the findings of more than 200 studies on generosity They found a ‘modest link’ between doing good and mental health wellbeing The link was at its strongest when the good deed … Read more

Covid-19 CAN strike twice: 33-year-old man in Hong Kong is the first person to get reinfected

Covid-19 survivors can be reinfected twice, according to doctors in Hong Kong who report the first known case. The healthy 33-year-old patient tested positive for the coronavirus after a mild bout of the disease four months before. Genetic analysis revealed the second infection was caused by a different strain of the coronavirus than the first, … Read more

Retired CIA officer, 67, is charged with selling US secrets to China

Retired CIA officer, 67, is charged with spying for China by selling ‘highly classified’ US secrets to Chinese intelligence officers Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, of Honolulu, was arrested last week in FBI operation The retired CIA agent has been accused of selling classified US secrets to China  Authorities said Ma met with Chinese intelligence … Read more

Coronavirus scientist reveals how she fled her home and family to tell the world the truth

When Li-Meng Yan was asked to pop into her boss’s office on the final day of last year, she had no idea such a routine summons might be the start of events that would lead to her fleeing her family, her work and her country in fear for her life. The Chinese-born virologist was based … Read more

Hong Kong: UK government slams journalists’ arrests

Downing Street slams ‘deeply concerning’ arrests of journalists in Hong Kong and accuses Beijing of using new security law to suppress opposition ITV News freelancer Wilson Li is one of nine people arrested in Hong Kong Authorities have also arrested media tycoon Jimmy Lai under new security law Downing Street says arrests are evidence law is … Read more

Hong Kongers forced to claim asylum despite being eligible for six-month BNO visa

A group of Hong Kongers fleeing the city were forced to claim asylum in the UK rather than being offered six-months permission to stay under current British National Overseas (BNO) guidelines.  Two BNO passport holders, who asked MailOnline to remain anonymous, said they were told by border agents they would be returned to Hong Kong … Read more