Iran condemns Trump’s Middle East peace deal

Iran condemns Trump’s Middle East peace deal and calls it a ‘stab in the back’ to Muslims Iran called historic deal between UAE and Israel a ‘shameful’ measure on Friday Warned UAE against Israel interfering in ‘political equations’ of the Persian Gulf UAE and Israel announced Thursday they agreed to establish full diplomatic ties  By … Read more

Israel unveils new missile interceptor system designed to shoot down missiles fired from Iran 

Israel unveils new missile interceptor system designed to shoot down missiles fired from Iran Israel conducted the test overnight with the US Missile Defence Agency   The Arrow-2 system is designed to repel missiles from Iran, Lebanon and Gaza   Benny Gantz said the successful flight test was part of Israel’s technological effort that ‘ensures that we … Read more

Iran jails two ‘spies’ for ten years each including one ‘tried to recruit Tehran officials for MI6’

Iran has jailed two ‘spies’ for ten years each, including one who allegedly passed sensitive information to British intelligence and tried to recruit Tehran officials for MI6.   Shahram Shirkhani spied for British intelligence services and allegedly passed on ‘sensitive information’, judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili said. He had been seeking to ‘corrupt authorities and recruit’ people for … Read more

Trump says if Biden were president China would own the US

President Donald Trump has insisted that neither China nor Russia want him to be reelected, claiming that China would ‘own’ the U.S. if Joe Biden were elected to the presidency. ‘If Joe Biden was president, China would own our country,’ Trump said in remarks at a press conference on Friday night, responding to reports about … Read more

Salman Rushdie warns that Left-wing ‘cancel culture’ is a threat to literature and freedom of speech

Author Salman Rushdie warns that Left-wing ‘cancel culture’ is a threat to literature and freedom of speech Salman Rushdie warned Left-wing ‘cancel culture’ is threat to freedom of speech He said he could not accept there are ‘areas in which censorship is acceptable’  Author signed open letter in US magazine Harper’s, objecting to ‘cancel culture’ … Read more

Twitter is accused of double standards for flagging posts by Donald Trump

Twitter has been accused of double standards for flagging posts by Donald Trump but allowing tweets from Iran‘s Ayatollah on Israel to remain on the platform.  During a Knesset hearing on antisemitism in social media Wednesday, human rights lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky questioned why the U.S. President’s tweets were flagged but not those of Ayatollah Khamenei, who  … Read more

Iranian helicopter gunship attacks mock-up US aircraft carrier

Iran‘s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard has fired a missile from a helicopter targeting a replica U.S. aircraft carrier in the strategic Strait of Hormuz. The exercises – dubbed ‘Prophet Mohammed 14th’ – were held near the Strait of Hormuz, a vital shipping lane for a fifth of global oil output.  State television reported the exercise on … Read more

Undercover morality agent SPITS at teenage girls after seeing them without hijab in Iran 

Undercover morality agent SPITS at teenage girls, asks ‘where’s your owner’ and says ‘I’ll f*** your mother’ after seeing them without hijab in Iran  Morality agent confronted the teenagers at side of a road in Kermanshah, Iran  Girls ask ‘why aren’t you doing anything?’ to police officer who watches on  Wearing a hijab has been compulsory … Read more

Iran nuclear site suffered ‘significant’ damage in accident

Iran says its nuclear site suffered ‘significant’ damage in mysterious accident that will slow the production of enriched uranium One of Iran’s main uranium enrichment plants was damaged on Thursday The Natanz nuclear facility suffered damage to its roof, walls and doors Isreal has been accused of masterminding the damage through a cyber-attack The attack could … Read more