Mass-Covid testing scheme in Liverpool will be rolled out across 66 authorities

Mass coronavirus testing being used in Liverpool will be rolled out across 66 local authorities, the Health Secretary claimed today. Matt Hancock revealed areas including Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire and the West Midlands will receive the rapid Covid-19 tests. London, Birmingham, Manchester and Coventry are also among the cities to get a batch of tests. At least 600,000 lateral … Read more

What is the best way to get your hit of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is in the spotlight again — last month, following a flurry of promising studies, Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced he was asking government scientists to look at the impact of vitamin D on Covid-19 symptoms. The emerging evidence is so hopeful that, according to reports last weekend, the Government plans to send supplies … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Most Nightingale hospitals may never fully open due to a shortage of NHS staff

Most of Matt Hancock‘s Nightingale hospitals may never fully open because there are not enough NHS workers to staff them, it has been claimed. An analysis by the Sunday Times also shows that each patient admitted to the massive hospitals has so far cost £1million to treat. Seven venues including London‘s Excel Centre were converted into … Read more

Boris Johnson’s astonishing bid to nail the leaker who bounced him into second coronavirus lockdown 

Boris Johnson sent security experts to the homes of Cabinet Ministers to examine their personal mobile phones as part of a major leak inquiry.  Senior figures, including Matt Hancock and Michael Gove, were told to surrender their phones as No10 hunted for the mole whose secret briefings forced the Prime Minister to make an early … Read more

GPs could offer Covid vaccine on Christmas and Boxing Day in plan for rapid roll-out to protect NHS

GPs could offer a Covid vaccine on Christmas and Boxing Day in a rapid roll-out plan to protect the NHS, according to a report. Doctors are being readied to inoculate other medics and the most vulnerable Britons seven days a week over midwinter. Health Secretary Matt Hancock will put forward plans next week for dozens … Read more

UK Covid cases are flat at 24,141 despite Johnson justifying lockdown by claiming NHS under threat

Britain’s coronavirus cases have remained flat at 24,141 today despite Boris Johnson justifying lockdown by claiming the NHS is under threat from soaring hospitalisations. Another 378 deaths were announced on Thursday, a 23 percent drop in fatalities compared to yesterday, while the number of new infections represented a 4 percent decline on the day before.  … Read more

Covid-19 lockdown: Watchdog scolds No10 for lack of transparency

Britain’s statistics watchdog today criticised Number 10 for not being transparent enough with the data it used to justify England’s second lockdown.  The UK Statistics Authority — which has slammed ministers before for overblown claims about their testing capacity — argued that numbers presented to the public have not always been backed up by ‘transparent … Read more

Hospitals are NO busier than normal, top experts claim

The NHS was never on track to be overwhelmed with coronavirus patients this winter but No10 was forced to hit the lockdown panic button because of its ‘gloomster’ scientific advisers, top experts fumed today. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has warned the health service could collapse and seriously ill non-Covid patients could be turned away unless Covid-19’s … Read more