Coronavirus UK: Government’s contact tracing site crashes

The government’s coronavirus contact tracing site crashed on launch this morning amid complaints it has been a ‘complete shambles’, which has seen workers paid £10-an-hour to sit at home and do nothing. Doctors and other staff reported major teething troubles as the much-trumpeted scheme finally got up and running, with some saying they had not … Read more

Matt Hancock LAUGHS OFF suggestion he has rushed contact tracing scheme

The government’s coronavirus contact tracing site crashed on launch this morning amid complaints it has been a ‘complete shambles’. Doctors and other staff reported major teething troubles as the much-trumpeted scheme finally got up and running, with some saying they had not even received passwords to start work.  Meanwhile, NHS chiefs have warned that ‘key … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Test centres empty as tracing regime announced

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced the introduction of the new Test and Trace programme to bring the coronavirus under control, as concerns were raised over the Government’s testing regime. At the Downing Street briefing today, Mr Hancock said the new system would be up and running by 9am tomorrow without the NHS‘ coronavirus app that … Read more

Vicar who put Matt Hancock on spot over ‘disappointed’ minister won’t look into lockdown fines

Vicar who put Matt Hancock on spot over Dominic Cummings says he’s ‘disappointed’ ministers have ‘rowed back’ on vow to look into fines given to people who breached lockdown for ‘childcare reasons’ Martin Paul was praised for his question at Downing Street briefing last night  Follows fury over Cummings’ trip from London to Durham during … Read more

Matt Hancock says the UK is to ‘stockpile’ PPE as domestic firms sign deals for two BILLION items

Matt Hancock announces the UK is to ‘stockpile’ protective gowns, masks and gloves as domestic firms sign deals to provide two BILLION items of PPE for the Government and the NHS Health Secretary said that authoritieds no longer struggling with demand Will now build up stocks against future outbreaks Domestic deals to produce two billion items … Read more

Whole towns could face ‘local lockdowns’ if they have a flare-up of coronavirus cases

Whole towns could face ‘local lockdowns’ if they have a flare-up of coronavirus cases, Matt Hancock confirms The Health Secretary confirmed individual regions may be put under lockdown  Figures show that some parts of the UK have far more cases than other regions  The so-called ‘local lockdowns’ could affect schools, businesses or whole towns Here’s … Read more

Coronavirus UK: A FIFTH have bent lockdown rules

Ministers fear the UK could go ‘back to square one’ in the fight against coronavirus if Britons do not adhere to lockdown rules as data suggests people have been flouting restrictions for weeks.  Health Secretary Matt Hancock last night pleaded with people to stick to current restrictions which prohibit meeting more than one person from … Read more