Balance transfer credit cards: Interest-free deals continue to increase

Balance transfer bounce back continues: Banks boost 0% terms after credit card availability hit an all-time low There are now 59 balance transfer deals and 56 purchase deals available  Although below pre-pandemic levels these are more than were around in 2020  Banks have increased their interest-free term lengths since the start of the year This … Read more

No-interest loan pilot from Treasury for hard-up borrowers

Treasury pledge to fund £3.8m no-interest loan pilot for hard-up borrowers ‘a step in the right direction’ say debt charities and lenders Scheme could help those who cannot afford to pay interest on loans  It is based on an Australian-style community lending scheme   Initiative was proposed by previous Chancellor Philip Hammond in 2018 As many … Read more

Ombudsman complaints: Guarantor loans replace PPI

Thousands of Britons are complaining to the Financial Ombudsman Service about being mis-sold unaffordable guarantor loans, new figures reveal, as Payment Protection Insurance was finally dethroned as the most complained about financial product. Complaints about PPI numbered 6,679, meaning it was not the most complained about product in a three-month period for the first time … Read more

Buy now, pay later: Don’t let shoppers sign up by default, MPs say

Britain’s biggest retailers should take buy now, pay later services off their websites and prevent shoppers from signing up for debt financing at the checkout by default, MPs have said, after the £2.7billion industry was found to pose ‘significant’ potential harm to shoppers. A review into the booming sector published earlier in the week found … Read more

IVA market is broken says the FCA: Here’s why

Millions of Britons in need of debt advice due to the coronavirus pandemic could be pushed into unsuitable debt solutions by companies seeking to profit from commission, regulators have warned. Britain’s ‘individual voluntary arrangement market is broken’, the Financial Conduct Authority said in a 68-page review into the state of Britain’s credit and debt landscape … Read more

Buy now pay later regulations: What will they mean for consumers?

Borrowers of Britain’s booming £2.7billion ‘buy now, pay later’ industry will soon be able to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service after it was announced lenders would be regulated under new government plans. It comes as regulators warn there was an ‘urgent need’ to protect shoppers from ‘a number of potential harms’, including the possibility … Read more