Premium Bonds jackpot winner secures 7,000% return on February investment

Not a bad coronavirus punt: Saver grabs a 7,000% return after scooping £1m Premium Bonds jackpot from a February 2020 investment A Stoke-on-Trent saver turned a £14,000 investment into the £1m jackpot The visit from Agent Million means they secured a 7,042% return Over the same period putting the money in UK stocks could have … Read more

It is safe to use physical cash despite coronavirus says ATM boss

One of Britain’s largest cash machine providers is launching a campaign to convince people to continue using cash once coronavirus lockdown ends, saying it wants to dispel ‘fake information’ about banknotes and coins being unsafe. Peter McNamara, founder and chief executive of NoteMachine, which runs 11,000 ATMs, told This is Money that the idea cash … Read more