Beware the rip-offs so enticing even the editor of Vogue fell for them

Britain is playing a key role in a controversial £65 billion industry that stands accused of fooling the public into buying poor quality, cheap Chinese-made clothes by advertising them on social-media sites as glamorous boutique products. An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found dozens of so-called ‘drop shipping’ firms have been registered in … Read more

UK’s Chief Medical Officers tell parents their children can return to classrooms next month

Parents can send their children back to school next month safe in the knowledge that they face an ‘exceptionally small risk’ from coronavirus, the UK’s Chief Medical Officers have said in a unanimous ruling. The highly unusual ‘consensus statement’ from the country’s most senior experts removes the final hurdle to the resumption of full-time teaching in … Read more

Crime suspects are being quizzed by police from comfort of their own homes – via video call

You’re nicked, son! Now can we Skype you on your sofa? Crime suspects are being quizzed by police from comfort of their own homes – via video call Crime suspects are being formally interviewed by police officers over video call West Midlands Police started quizzing alleged offenders via electronic devices Assault and theft suspects are … Read more

Adviser linked to exams fiasco given key role in controversial new planning changes

Adviser linked to exams fiasco is given a key role in new planning changes that critics fear could see developers ‘concreting’ the countryside Tim Leunig joins team working on biggest changes to building laws in 70 years  Dr Leunig was on government group that advised how to standardise grades Standardisation led to the downgrading of … Read more

Meghan Markle ‘ignored advice from Camilla on handling bad media headlines before her marriage’

Meghan Markle ‘ignored advice from Camilla on how to be a Royal and handle bad media headlines before her marriage to Prince Harry’ Meghan ignored advice from Camilla on dealing with bad headlines in the media The Duchess of Cornwall invited Meghan to a private lunch before her marriage Camilla described her experience with the … Read more

Police are battling to stop illegal raves including 140 revellers cramming on canal boat for party

Soaked in sweat, random strangers hugged each other as music blared out. Class A drugs were openly handed around and consumed with abandon. Revellers who had overdone it were violently ill in front of fellow partygoers. Yet far from being a description of the goings-on in one of the Ibiza super-clubs during the pre-coronavirus era, … Read more

Up to 3,000 police on alert for Bank Holiday weekend protest

Up to 3,000 police on alert for Bank Holiday weekend protest as climate rebels plot a million-strong march through London Extinction Rebellion (XR) revealed plans for a ‘civilly disobedient long weekend’ Urged supporters to join Black Lives Matter march from Notting Hill to Hyde Park Demonstration, dubbed ‘Million People March’, is calling for defunding of … Read more

Pictured: Vladimir Putin’s arch-foe Alexei Navalny minutes before collapsing in suspected poisoning

Pictured: Vladimir Putin’s arch-foe Alexei Navalny smiling for the camera just minutes before he collapsed in a suspected poisoning A woman took a selfie with Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny on a plane She told of how he collapsed in agony 40 minutes into the flight on Thursday His supporters suspect his cup of tea at … Read more

Mykanos was overrun by Russian billionaires… Now, thanks to Covid, it’s drunken footballers

As an island best known until recently for its windmills, Mykonos seemed the perfect destination for some post-lockdown R&R.  Sunshine, stunning seafood, the odd cocktail and some good books were what I envisaged when I booked my summer holiday there. I had imagined it as classy, if a little flash, with beautiful beaches and intimate … Read more