Why CAN’T England offer Covid vaccinations round the clock?

Britain dished out another 165,000 Covid vaccines yesterday, according to official figures that come amid mounting pressure on No10 to adopt a 24/7 roll-out.  With the successful roll-out of a jab the Government’s only hope of ever easing the endless cycle of lockdowns, pressure is mounting on Boris Johnson to pull out all the stops … Read more

Coronavirus UK: DoH rebrands ‘professional’ kits as NHS self-tests

The Department of Health is repackaging controversial rapid coronavirus tests as NHS self-tests in what critics claim is a ‘bizarre’ move to get around manufacturer instructions which say they are for professional use. UK officials announced on Sunday that they will roll out 15-minute lateral flow swab tests to all councils and schools in Britain … Read more

Covid UK: Boots and Superdrug won’t start vaccinations til THURSDAY

Britain’s High Street pharmacies won’t start dishing out coronavirus vaccines until Thursday, it was revealed today amid mounting pressure on Boris Johnson to launch round-the-clock inoculations. Superdrug and Boots will only have one site ready to dish out vaccines when the roll-out is finally expanded later this week, with dozens more sites on standby to ramp … Read more

Covid Wales: Woman, 25, dies days before family due to be vaccinated

Parents whose 25-year-old daughter died from Covid-19 after her family contracted it days before they were due to be vaccinated have issued a dire warning over the ‘very real threat’ of the virus.  Lauren Jones, from Llwynypia in the Rhondda, had none of the underlying health conditions known to make someone more susceptible to coronavirus, … Read more

Coronavirus UK: NHS hospitals in London ‘are drafting in SECRETARIES to help on busy wards’

Desperate NHS hospitals are planning to draft in secretaries to help out on wards as they face a rising tide of Covid patients, internal documents reveal. There were 32,294 people in hospital with Covid-19 as of last Thursday, January 7, and wards are seeing numbers of sick patients increase across the country. Doctors and nurses, … Read more

Tributes are paid to ‘dedicated and respected’ respiratory doctor after he died from Covid

At least 216 frontline health and care workers have been identified after dying with coronavirus. Through tributes from loved ones and confirmation through sources such as local NHS trusts and other authorities, it has been confirmed the names of health and social care workers who have died after contracting Covid-19 since March 11 2020. This … Read more

Sir David Attenborough, 94, and Brian Blessed, 84, both receive their first Covid vaccination jabs

Sir David Attenborough and Brian Blessed OBE have both received their first dose of the Covid vaccine. Renowned broadcaster and naturalist, Sir David, 94, received the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab last week, according to the Sun.  Meanwhile British actor, Blessed, 84, and his wife Hildegarde, were both pictured receiving the vaccine last night. NHS Surrey Heath CCG … Read more

Drug to treat brittle bones could HALVE number of hip replacements that need to be re-done

Drug to treat brittle bones could HALVE number of hip replacements that need to be re-done, scientists say Drug to treat osteoporosis could halve number of hip replacement re-operations Scientists have discovered the drug denosumab could help protect the hip bone An estimated 8,500 hip revision procedures are carried out each year on NHS By … Read more

Covid UK: ALL over-50s to get vaccinated by MAY, says government

WHAT IS INCLUDED IN BRITAIN’S MASS VACCINATION PLAN?  Mass vaccination centres: Some 50 centres will be set up at football stadiums and other huge venues to get the jab to as many Britons as possible; Teachers ‘second in line for jabs’: Key workers on Britain’s frontlines may be bumped up the priority queue meaning they … Read more