D614G strain of coronavirus is ‘better at infecting human cells’ than the original version

A mutated version of the coronavirus, dubbed D614G, is found in 85 per cent of global cases and researchers believe this version is so common because its genetic modification makes it more infectious and better at spreading.  However, analysis from experts at the University of North Carolina found the change did not make it more … Read more

Ethics of Elon Musk’s Neuralink and other brain chips questioned

Elon Musk‘s Neuralink is just one of many companies working on a brain chip and although the implants may be imminent, experts warn it comes with ethical matters.  Researchers at North Carolina University note brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies that aim to enhance cognitive abilities could question the authenticity of people’s achievements, as they may be … Read more

Biden’s lead in Arizona shrinks again and falls to 20,000

Joe Biden’s lead in Arizona has fallen below 20,000.  Biden currently remains ahead by 20, 573, votes, with a 49.5% hold of the total vote, compared to Trump’s 48.9%.   Biden is leading in every other state.  He is likely to be called the winner there soon with the remaining votes coming from Allegheny County, which includes … Read more

Trump launches new barrage of unfounded claims about election fraud

President Trump broke cover on Saturday morning after firing off a barrage of angry tweets as Joe Biden edged closer to White House victory, making a series of unfounded claims including that tens of thousands of mail-in votes had been ‘illegally’ cast because they arrived after 8pm on election day and alleging that hundreds of … Read more

Joe Biden says he is on his way to a ‘clear win’ and predicts more than 300 electoral college votes

Joe Biden all but declared the White House was his Friday night and said he had a real mandate for radical change as made a brief appearance after plans for a grander victory party collapsed when the presidential race wasn’t called. ‘We’re going to win this race,’ he said inside the Chase Center in Wilmington, … Read more

Biden’s lead grows in Pennsylvania to more than 17,000 votes as he closes in on the White House – 

The US Supreme Court has ordered all late mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania to be counted separately, as Joe Biden continues to pick up steam in the state where he now leads by more than 19,000 votes.  Justice Samuel Alito on Friday announced all Pennsylvania counties must segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day, following an … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden leads in Nevada by more than 20,000 votes

Biden’s lead doubled to 20,000 in Nevada overnight as the count there dragged on with at least another 130,000 votes left to count.  Biden holds  50% of the vote in Nevada over Trump’s 48%. Ninety-one percent of the vote there has been counted already – some 1.2million votes – and another 9 percent is outstanding … Read more

US Election: Biden hours from victory but Trump won’t accept defeat

Biden on Thursday night – he is now poised for White House victory after taking the lead in Pennsylvania Joe Biden is preparing to address the nation on Friday night as he closes in on White House victory with leads in the three key states in play – Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona.  As it stands, … Read more

US Election: Biden takes the lead in Pennsylvania with 5,000 votes

Biden on Thursday night – he is now poised for White House victory Joe Biden has taken the lead in Pennsylvania with 5,5870 votes and is now poised for White House victory, leading in all four of the remaining swing states, despite Trump’s refusal to accept defeat and claiming he is the victim of an … Read more

Georgia count: Biden takes the lead over trump with 917 votes

Pennsylvania still has hundreds of thousands of votes left to count despite the secretary of state saying results could be returned on Thursday as Joe Biden closes the gap and President Donald Trump loses a legal bid to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia.   Pennsylvania is among a handful of battleground states Trump and Biden are … Read more