Major probe reveals public sector squanders £5.6bn of your cash 

A shocking waste of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money is exposed by the Mail today. A major investigation has found that £5.6 billion in public cash has been frittered away on luxuries, feathering Whitehall mandarins’ nests and a wide range of jaw-dropping projects. It comes as Chancellor Rishi Sunak prepares to set out a … Read more

Rishi Sunak warns the ‘economic shock’ of Covid bailouts will be ‘laid bare’

Rishi Sunak has warned of tax rises in the spring and joked about having to confiscate Boris Johnson’s credit card to kerb his spending.  The Chancellor made the quip as he prepares to reveal his plan to balance the books and recover from the pandemic in his spending review on Wednesday. He hinted that taxes … Read more

Rishi Sunak warns against accepting a post-Brexit EU trade deal ‘at any price’  

Rishi Sunak warns against accepting a post-Brexit EU trade deal ‘at any price’ with both sides reaching for an agreement as he says the UK economy will prosper ‘in any eventuality’    He spoke today amid ongoing talks between both sides in search of a deal Told the BBC UK has been consistent, adding: ‘we … Read more

‘I should take his credit card away’: Economic hawk Rishi Sunak jokes about Boris Johnson’s spending

‘I should take his credit card away’: Economic hawk Rishi Sunak jokes about Boris Johnson’s desire to turn on the spending taps as he prepares to outline coronavirus economic plans The Chancellor made the quip ahead of spending review on Wednesday  Mentioned elf-on-the-shelf toy which makes sure his two children are behaving Asked if PM … Read more

TUC chief refuses to rule out wave of union-backed STRIKES if Rishi Sunak freezes public sector pay

Britain could be hit by a wave of strike action if Rishi Sunak goes ahead with a public sector pay freeze, a senior trade union leader warned today. Frances O’Grady, the TUC president, lashed out at reports suggesting that only doctors and nurses will escape a throttling of pay as the Government seeks to balance … Read more

£3billion for NHS to fight surgery backlog

£3billion for NHS to fight surgery backlog: Rishi Sunak is set to announce funding boost in Spending Review to tackle operations cancelled during Covid Chancellor is expected to announce boost for the National Health Service   Suspending surgery during Covid created waiting list of three million patients  Mr Sunak is also set to make a £500 … Read more

Foreign aid cuts: David Cameron and Tony Blair warn Boris Johnson

David Cameron said Boris Johnson‘s rumoured plan to cut Britain’s foreign aid spending by £5billion would be a ‘moral, strategic and political’ error – while Tony Blair has slammed the proposals as ‘a profound strategic mistake’. Intervention from the two former Prime Ministers follows reports that Boris Johnson is planning on slashing the £15billion international development budget to … Read more

David Cameron and Tony Blair warn foreign aid spending cuts are a ‘profound strategic mistake’

David Cameron said Boris Johnson‘s rumoured plan to cut Britain’s foreign aid spending by £5billion would be a ‘moral, strategic and political’ error – while Tony Blair slammed the proposals as ‘a profound strategic mistake’. Intervention from the two former Prime Ministers follows reports that Boris Johnson was planning on slashing the £15 billion international development budget … Read more

Public sector cuts: Boris Johnson teachers’ pay rise pledge in doubt

Boris Johnson‘s election pledge to pay newly qualified teachers £30,000 is in doubt despite unions threatening industrial action and warning of an ‘exodus’ from the profession. Rishi Sunak is preparing a ‘pay restraint’ across the public sector, despite the £6,000 pay rise being a key policy in the 2019 Tory manifesto. Johnson had pledged to … Read more

UK Economy: Rishi Sunak to rewrite Treasury’s rules to help North

Rishi Sunak is set to rewrite Treasury’s rules to ‘level up’ the North: Chancellor will use spending review to ensure investment in infrastructure previously skewed towards London and South East Rishi Sunak set to abolish the Treasury’s ‘Green Book’ rules on public investment Critics say the rules have favoured pumping investment into wealthier areas Treasury … Read more