Britons who flout Covid rules after both jabs could ‘more than offset’ the benefits, experts warn 

Elderly Britons who flout Covid rules after both jabs could ‘more than offset’ the benefits, experts warn Experts fear many will stop social distancing after they have been inoculated Protection from Covid only kicks in about two weeks after the first vaccine dose  It remains unclear whether the jabs stop infection or just stops people … Read more

Highly-infectious South African Covid variant has yet to take off in Britain

The South African strain of coronavirus isn’t spreading rapidly through the UK, No10’s scientific advisers said today in a bid to calm fears about the super-infectious variant. So far only two people in Britain have tested positive for the mutated strain, which has been subject to international panic after causing an explosion of cases in South … Read more

Covid England: Matt Hancock says vaccines mean this is last lockdown

Matt Hancock today insisted vaccines will mean this is the last national lockdown as he set out four criteria for lifting restrictions. The Health Secretary tried to strike an optimistic tone as he faced questions over the delay in bringing in the brutal curbs to control the mutant Covid strain as he gave evidence to MPs … Read more

Matt Hancock denies ministers dragged their feet over imposing lockdown

Matt Hancock today insisted vaccines will mean this is the last national lockdown as he set out four criteria for lifting restrictions. The Health Secretary tried to strike an optimistic tone as he faced questions over the delay in bringing in the brutal curbs to control the mutant Covid strain as he gave evidence to MPs … Read more

Covid UK: SAGE adviser says ‘Tier 5’ may be needed to suppress virus

A SAGE adviser today hinted a third national lockdown including mass school closures may be required to suppress Covid as he insisted ‘keeping people apart’ stops the virus from spreading.  Professor Sir Mark Walport claimed the ‘mutant’ strain of coronavirus was transmitting rapidly among children, with those aged between 12 and 16 seven times more … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Bring back 2 metre rule and wear masks at work and school, SAGE warns

SAGE advisers are calling for the two-metre social distancing rule to be brought back and for people to wear face masks all the time when in public. The Government’s top scientists said the current restrictions need to be toughened up if they are to stand a chance of stopping the new coronavirus variant. The variant … Read more

Covid lockdown England: Secondary school re-opening delayed a week

Boris Johnson will delay the opening of all England’s secondary schools for at least another week after pressure from SAGE scientists, ministers, teachers and unions to keep all students at home throughout January, it emerged today. The Prime Minister is expected to announce the new extended schools lockdown after being accused of ‘dithering’ on the … Read more

Two-thirds of England ‘will be in Tier 4 after tomorrow’s lockdown shake-up’

Some two-thirds of England including swathes of the Midlands and the North could be plunged into Tier 4 restrictions this week, it has been suggested. Millions more could face the harshest curbs on daily life – with gyms and non-essential shops forced to close – amid mounting concern over the spread of a mutant coronavirus … Read more