Increase in UK Google searches for home workouts, deliveries and recipes during coronavirus lockdown

There has been a massive increase in UK Google searches for ‘home workouts’, ‘fish and chips deliveries’ and ‘baking recipes’ during the coronavirus lockdown. However, the use of search terms like ‘get a divorce’, ‘condoms’, ‘botox’ and ‘prom dress’ have all fallen radically since people began staying at home. The findings highlight how lockdown and social … Read more

Babies glued to tablets or telly ‘could develop autism-like symptoms’, controversial study warns 

A controversial scientific study claims there is a link between how much a young child watches screens and the likelihood of developing autism-like symptoms.   It found that one-year-old children who spend large portions of time looking at screens were more likely to show autism-like symptoms at two years of age.  Researchers from Drexel University in … Read more

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites cause stir as they streak through skies of western Europe

SpaceX’s Starlink project has made a very visible appearance above much of western Europe, startling sky-gazers.  A string of bright lights appeared to march uniformly across the sky last night, with photographers capturing the event and sharing footage on Twitter.  Prominent comedian, science communicator and physicist Dara O’Briain took to Twitter to bemoan the man-made … Read more

2B phone owners won’t be able to use Google-Apple contact-tracing app

Up to two billion smartphone users around the world won’t be able to use the coronavirus contact tracing app currently being developed by Apple and Google. Hundreds of millions of older smartphones still in active use don’t have the required software and Bluetooth to run the new app, which could be released next month.   The … Read more

Lyrid meteor shower will peak on Tuesday with up to 15 shooting stars per hour 

Lyrid meteor shower 2020 coincides with a new moon on Tuesday giving stargazers especially dark skies to watch the celestial spectacle – with up to 15 shooting stars visible per hour The Lyrid meteor shower comes to skies in the Northern Hemisphere this month  Experts say the peak will be between April 21-22 at the … Read more

ACLU warns contact tracing apps monitoring spread of COVID-19 could have ‘significant’ privacy risks

ACLU warns contact tracing apps designed to monitor spread of COVID-19 could have ‘significant’ privacy risks if they do not have proper safeguards The ACLU says contact tracing apps will have to be made with privacy in mind It said that apps could have significant privacy risks if not designed properly Among other things the … Read more

How Hong Kong dodged a major coronavirus outbreak without resorting to a complete lockdown

Hong Kong dodged a major coronavirus outbreak — without resorting to a complete lockdown — by using a combination of targeted isolation and social distancing.  As of March 31, the region had only 715 confirmed cases of COVID-19 — including 94 asymptomatic cases — and four deaths among the population of 7.5 million. Experts from from … Read more