Ministers’ plan to get ALL children back in class in September

Whole year groups at secondary school will form ‘bubbles’ in a massive effort to get all children back in education from September, it was revealed today. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said the ‘unprecedented disruption’ must end as he unveiled plans for a full return from the beginning of the academic year, with staggered start times and … Read more

Emergency talks underway to rescue No10’s ‘air bridge’ holiday plan

Emergency talks were under way last night to prevent Nicola Sturgeon from undermining plans for ‘air bridges’ to popular holiday destinations. Ministers agreed a new traffic light system last week that would pave the way for the creation of ‘travel corridors’, allowing tourists to visit certain ‘green’ countries deemed safe without the need to quarantine at … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Schools to reopen in two months ‘come what may’

Schools WILL reopen in two months ‘come what may’ even if the rest of society is locked down, government source insists Primary schools will be able to operate ‘bubbles’ of more than 30 children Schools will reopen in September no matter restriction on other parts of society  Education Secretary Gavin Williamson to unveil plans for … Read more

Boris Johnson urges firms to hold job cuts as Arcadia axes 500

Boris Johnson today urged firms to hold off on job cuts ‘until times get better’ after John Lewis, Harrods and Topshop announced plans to close stores and axe workers as coronavirus continues to choke Britain’s high streets.  The Prime Minister was confronted about a growing numbers of job losses amid the pandemic during todays PMQs, insisting the Government … Read more

Six times the UK Government changed its mind on coronavirus rules

Facebook has today launched a campaign to weed out misinformation about the coronavirus — but even official messages have caused ‘considerable confusion’. The British Government has rowed back on issues and changed its stance constantly throughout the Covid-19 crisis, always insisting it is ‘following science’. Complicated messages and changes of heart have been rife in … Read more

Coronavirus England: New rules revealed as weddings resume

Fathers cannot walk their daughter arm-in-arm down the aisle and couples must wash their hands before and after exchanging rings in post-lockdown weddings. New rules issued by the Government today also ban receptions when the ceremonies are allowed to restart with up to 30 people in England from Saturday. The plans are intend to maintain … Read more

Gavin Williamson brands National Education Union ‘No Education Union’ and will end ‘softly’ approach

Gavin Williamson has vowed to end the ‘softly, softly’ approach for dealing with teaching unions and get all children back in school by September.  The Education Secretary said he plans for all children to go back to school at the start of the next school year ‘come what may’. It was said Mr Williamson ‘got the knuckle … Read more

Drama to show Boris Johnson’s handling of UK coronavirus crisis

Bafta-winning filmmaker Michael Winterbottom will direct new drama series about Boris Johnson’s handling of the coronavirus crisis The drama will begin when Mr Johnson was appointed as British Prime Minister  It will then explore Boris Johnson’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic  Bafta-winning filmmaker Michael Winterbottom will direct the real-life drama The Sunday Times political editor … Read more

Robert Jenrick ‘insistent’ Tory donor’s £1bn homes scheme passed before £50m tax hit, documents show

Cabinet minister Robert Jenrick pushed through a decision to allow a Tory donor’s £1billion housing development to allow him to save tens of millions of pounds in tax, documents tonight appear to show. The Housing Secretary tonight finally bowed to pressure to release correspondence over his role in the ‘cash for favours’ row involving Richard … Read more

Dominic Cummings ‘vows fundamental change to civil service’

Dominic Cummings has vowed to take an axe to the civil service after coronavirus exposed flaws in the government machine, it was claimed today. The PM’s most senior aide is said to have told colleagues the Cabinet Office will be stripped of powers after being found wanting during the crisis, swiping: ‘A hard rain is … Read more