US Election 2020 Poll: Joe Biden leads in PA and FL but TX is TIED

Joe Biden is leading outside the margin of error in several key battleground states in a poll released the day before Election Day, giving him enough of a lead to take the White House. Even deep red Texas appears to be up-in-the air with a tie between the Democratic nominee and President Donald Trump. Florida, … Read more

Election 2020: Joe Biden has MORE senior moments at Michigan rally

August 8, 2019: He tells the Asian & Latino Coalition in Des Moines, Iowa, that ‘poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.’ He attempted to clear up his statement, adding: ‘Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids — no, I really mean it. But think how we think about it … … Read more

US Election Polls: Trump has SEVEN-point lead in swing state of Iowa

Donald Trump has surged ahead in the key swing state of Iowa, according to a poll that suggests he has a slim chance of pulling off another huge upset. The survey for the Des Moines Register showed the President was seven points ahead of Joe Biden with a day until the election. The same late … Read more

US election: Biden ahead, but Trump narrows gap in 12 swing states

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden in national polls with one day to go until the election – but is gaining ground in swing states, raising the possibility of a late upset. A national poll of registered voters carried out last week shows Biden leading Trump by 52 per cent to 42 per cent, virtually … Read more

US Election 2020: Donald Trump in Iowa for second rally stop of day

President Donald Trump finished his five state, five rally tour Sunday night landing in Miami, Florida just after 11.30pm – where it was a balmy 79 degrees – and dad-dancing offstage to ‘YMCA’ at 10 ’til 1am. ‘Two days from now we’re going to win my home state of Florida!’ Trump told the cheering crowd. … Read more

Donald Trump to send lawyers to Pennsylvania as soon as voting stops

President Donald Trump denied a report that he will prematurely declare himself the winner of the 2020 presidential election on Tuesday night if it appears he is ‘ahead’ of Joe Biden, even if a ton of Electoral College votes are still unknown. ‘No, no that was a false report,’ he told reporters after he landed in North … Read more

US Election 2020: Swing state Texas ‘as tight as bark on a tree’

Highland Park is a rich man’s playground where the money runs so thick through the streets it practically bubbles out of the potholes. Row after row of chocolate box houses are dutifully patrolled by members of the town’s very own public safety officers. Out in front, every drive is immaculately manicured, while freshly minted Ferraris … Read more

US Election 2020: Donald Trump starts five-rally day in icy Michigan

President Donald Trump kicked off his five-rally day in snowy Michigan where it was so cold he joked people should wear face masks.’Today you should wear them anyway,’ Trump said his remarks.  The president has been reluctant to wear a face covering and his campaign said supporters are free to wear them or not at … Read more

Donald Trump holds first rally of two-day seven-state breakneck push for votes

President Donald Trump kicked off his five-rally day in snowy Michigan where it was so cold he joked people should wear face masks.’Today you should wear them anyway,’ Trump said his remarks.  The president has been reluctant to wear a face covering and his campaign said supporters are free to wear them or not at … Read more

Trump starts two-day, seven-state, 10-rally pre-election campaign

President Donald Trump on Sunday bragged ‘the radical left is going down’ and touted his ‘very good’ poll numbers as he kicked off a two-day, seven state, 10 rally campaign swing in the final 24 hours of the presidential race. Trump started his day with a series of positive sounding tweets as he fights for a second … Read more