M25 killer Kenneth Noye seen ‘without a care in the world’ 22 years after he was arrested in Spain

Road rage killer Kenneth Noye has been spotted laughing while walking down the street in south east England on the 22nd anniversary of his arrest in Spain.

The 73-year-old gangster was controversially released from a life sentence in June last year after stabbing Stephen Cameron, 21, to death in May 1996.

After the murder, Noye fled the country, sparking a two-year international manhunt before he was arrested in Spain in August 1998.

Stephen’s fiancée Danielle Cable, just 17 at the time of the murder, helped identify Noye in a Spanish restaurant before he was arrested and later testified against him in court.

He was pictured last weekend enjoying the bank holiday near a railway station in south-east England, according to the Mirror.

Road rage killer Kenneth Noye looks happy to be free as he enjoys the Bank Holiday sunshine

Kenneth Noye fled to Spain after murdering Stephen Cameron and was wanted for two years

Noye also served 14 years in prison for handling gold bullion stolen in the 1983 Brink's-Mat heist

The 73-year-old gangster, pictured, was controversially released from a life sentence by the parole board in June last year after stabbing Stephen Cameron, 21, to death in May 1996

Kenneth Noye, now 73, was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 16 years for the murder of Stephen Cameron after he stabbed the 21-year-old to death on the M25 in 1996

Kenneth Noye, now 73, was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 16 years for the murder of Stephen Cameron after he stabbed the 21-year-old to death on the M25 in 1996

One onlooker told the Mirror he looked ‘happy’ and didn’t have ‘a single care in the world’ before adding: ‘Despite being in his 70s he still looks really fit and strong.’

Noye made headlines earlier this year after he was pictured visiting the scene where Stephen was killed.

Just days after the 24th anniversary of the murder, Noye was spotted at the M25 slip-road near Swanley in Kent where he killed Stephen.

Noye returned to the murder scene at 4pm on May 28 in his black VW Tiguan, a brand new £25,000 car he bought shortly after his release from Standford Hill. 

Stephen Lee Cameron

Stephen Cameron's fiancée Danielle Cable (pictured with Stephen above)

Stephen Cameron (left) and (right) with with fiancée Danielle, was stabbed to death in 1996

Former gangster Kenneth Noye’s life of crime

1947: Kenneth Noye is born in Bexleyheath, south east London 

1977:  Falls into crime and gets an 18-month suspended sentence for having a shotgun.

November 1983: The Brink’s Mat robbery took place where six gunman burst into the warehouse near Heathrow and escaped with £26.3million.

January 1985: Stabbed police officer John Fordham, who was investigating the robbery, to death in grounds of his home in West Kingsdown, Kent. He was under surveillance at the time.

December 1985: Jury clear Noye of murder after agreeing he acted in self-defence

July 1986: Jailed for 14 years for conspiring to handle Brinks Mat gold and evade VAT payments.

1994: He is released from prison.

May 1996: Stabbed Stephen Cameron, 21, to death in a road rage attack on the M25 near Swnaley, Kent

August 1998: Noye arrested in Barbate, Spain.

April 2000: Noye convicted of murder and given a life sentence

2017: Authorised for move to open prison. He is seen on day release from Standford Hill prison a year later.

May 2019 Parole Board announced decision to free him.

June 2019 Kenny Noye is released 

After leaving an Asda, Noye made his way along the B2173, past the road where Stephen and his family lived before joining the A20. 

It was the exact same route Danielle, who has since been given a new identity, and Stephen took. 

He then drove to the roundabout and traffic lights where he killed Stephen before heading in the direction of Surrey.

It is unclear why Noye was in the Swanley area.

Whilst on-the-run for Mr Cameron’s murder, Noye lived under a fake name and hid in fishing villages near Cape Trafalgar, in Cadiz province.

He is believed to have kept hold of his four-bed villa in Atlanterra, which was looked after by his sons Brett and Kevin. 

During the infamous robbery, six gunmen burst into a warehouse near Heathrow Airport and doused security guards in petrol before escaping with £26million.

In 1985 Noye stabbed police officer John Fordham 10 times after he found the officer, camouflaged, and hiding in the back garden of his home.

But a jury found him not guilty of murder or manslaughter on the grounds of self-defence.

He was moved to an open prison in 2018 ahead of his release last year. 

The 73-year-old was allowed to walk free after the Parole Board ruled he was safe for release.

On his release from jail in June, Stephen’s family branded his sentence ‘not justice’ and a senior detective in the case said it was ‘a joke’. 

He was pictured driving in a £25,000 VW 4×4 in the months after his release. 

Noye’s plan to return to his £2 million Spanish bolthole, a hilltop mansion, was thwarted after he was told he must live in Britain as a condition of his release.

Under the conditions of his release, Noye can only leave the country in ‘extra special cases’ such as a family bereavement.

Whilst on-the-run for Mr Cameron’s murder, Noye lived under a fake name and hid in fishing villages near Cape Trafalgar, in Cadiz province.

He is believed to have kept hold of his four-bed villa in Atlanterra, which was looked after by his sons Brett and Kevin.

A stock image of a VW 4x4 which Noye was said to have been driving when he was pictured

A stock image of a VW 4×4 which Noye was said to have been driving when he was pictured

How road rage killer Kenneth Noye stabbed Stephen Cameron to death on the M25 before fleeing the UK 

On 19 May 1996, while on release from prison on licence, Noye got into an altercation with 21-year-old motorist Stephen Cameron on a slip road of the M25 near Swanley in Kent

During the road rage incident, Noye used a 9in knife he kept in his car to stab Mr Cameron to death as the victim’s fiancee Danielle Cable looked on in horror. Stephen died in Danielle’s arms. 

Noye immediately fled the country and a significant manhunt, led by GCHQ, was launched.

Officers located Noye in Spain and he was arrested at a resort in Barbate on 28 August, 1998.

Stephen’s girlfriend Danielle Cable, who had witnessed the killing, was secretly flown out to positively identify him, which she did on 27 August.

He was extradited to Britain in May 1999, nine months after his arrest, and went on trial 10 months later. 

Noye claimed not to be a violent man at the trial, and again pleaded self-defence, explaining that he had fled because the police hated him and he feared not receiving a fair trial.

Found guilty on 14 April 2000, after a trial held in conditions of high security, Noye was convicted of murder by the jury after their deliberations had lasted 8 hours and 21 minutes,

He was given a by Lord Justice Latham.