Moment thug, 18, punches and kicks driver in face and head through open car window

Moment thug, 18, punches and kicks driver in face and head through open car window in ‘unprovoked’ attack

  • Kyle Binns carried out attack in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, on February 15  
  • Appearing at Manchester Crown Court, Binns was sentenced to 12 months jail
  • He earlier pleaded guilty to assault and also admitted criminal damage, possession of class B drugs, and escaping lawful custody 

This CCTV footage shows the shocking moment an 18-year-old man carried out a ‘violent’ and ‘unprovoked’ attack on a motorist.

Kyle Binns carried out the savage attack on a 26-year-old man in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, at around 12.30pm on February 15 this year.

Binns can be seen exiting the passenger side of a car and shouting at a man in another vehicle, prompting him to wind his window down.

The attacker then threw a flurry of powerful punches through the window at the victims’ face and head before forcing the car door open.

Another man, who was driving the car Binns exited, then got out and joined the attack, in which the victim was subjected to more punches and a number of kicks.

Kyle Binns carried out the savage attack on a 26-year-old man in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, at around 12.30pm on February 15 this year

The incident, lasting around 25 seconds, came to an end when both men return to their car and speed away.

The victim was left with significant facial bruising to his jaw, and a cut above his eye as well as bruising to his chest and body.

Binns was caught after unknowingly dropping his phone during the attack and leaving it at the scene, where it was picked up by the victim.

He handed it to police and assisted with their investigation.

Appearing at Manchester Crown Court today, Binns was sentenced to 12 months behind bars after earlier pleading guilty to assault.

He also admitted criminal damage, possession of class B drugs, and escaping lawful custody.

Binns can be seen exiting the passenger side of a car and shouting at a man in another vehicle, prompting him to wind his window down. The attacker then threw a flurry of powerful punches through the window at the victims' face and head before forcing the car door open

Binns can be seen exiting the passenger side of a car and shouting at a man in another vehicle, prompting him to wind his window down. The attacker then threw a flurry of powerful punches through the window at the victims’ face and head before forcing the car door open

The other man who took part in the attack has not been identified by police.

The GMP investigation was part of Operation Barracuda, which targets car crime, specifically the theft of Ford vehicles like the one the victim was driving.

Speaking after the sentencing, Inspector Andy Fern from GMP said: ‘This was a shocking, unprovoked attack on a busy road in broad daylight, that left the victim with significant facial bruising.

‘I want to thank the victim for coming forward and assisting with our investigation, and hope that seeing Binns put behind bars provides a sense of comfort.

‘There is no place for violence within our community, and I also hope this provides some reassurance to the people of Rochdale that GMP will do all it can to bring those who believe they are above the law to justice’