Italy sees total coronavirus cases top 200,000 while death toll passes 27,000 

Italy sees total coronavirus cases top 200,000 as it records 2,091 new infections while death toll passes 27,000

  • The daily tally of new infections stood at 2,091, taking Italy’s total to 201,505 
  • Today’s death toll of 382 was highest since Saturday, with total deaths at 27,358 
  • Italians began enjoying their first taste of freedom Tuesday as lockdown eased
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19

Coronavirus cases in Italy passed the 200,000 mark today, while the death toll rose by 382 to pass 27,000.

The daily tally of new infections stood at 2,091, higher than the 1,739 recorded on Monday, the Civil Protection Agency said.   

Today’s death toll of 382 was the highest since Saturday, with yesterday’s standing at 333. 

Italy’s total number of fatalities has now hit 27,359, the agency said – the second highest in the world after the United States.

The total amount of officially confirmed cases, which includes those who have died and those who have recovered, amounts to 201,505, the third highest global tally behind those of the United States and Spain.

People registered as currently carrying the illness fell to 105,205 from 105,813 on Monday.

There were 1,863 people in intensive care on Tuesday against a previous 1,956, maintaining a long-running decline. Of those originally infected, 68,941 were declared recovered against 66,624 a day earlier.

The agency said 1.275 million people had been tested for the virus against 1.237 million the day before, out of a population of around 60 million.

Italians began enjoying their first taste of freedom Tuesday as the country began emerging from one of the strictest and longest lockdowns in Europe.

Prime Minister Conte announced Monday that people will now be allowed to move around their home regions – though not between regions – while distance limits on exercise will also be eased.

Italy has been on nationwide lockdown since March 10, but the government has now outlined plans for a staggered return to normal - including allowing outdoor exercise

Italy has been on nationwide lockdown since March 10, but the government has now outlined plans for a staggered return to normal – including allowing outdoor exercise

Dozens of people took to the streets after Italy's Prime Minister announced that exercise would be allowed away from the house

Dozens of people took to the streets after Italy’s Prime Minister announced that exercise would be allowed away from the house

Bars and restaurants, which are currently allowed to open only for delivery, will be allowed to provide a takeout service from May 4.

Some shops – such as bookstores and dry cleaners – had been allowed to reopen on April 14, but all non-essential shops not covered by that order will be allowed back open by May 18.

Museums and libraries will be allowed to reopen on the same date, while sports teams will also be allowed to restart group training.

Hairdressers, beauty salons, bars and restaurants are expected to reopen for dine-in service from 1 June, though will still have to observe some form of social distancing.

However, the easing is expected to be hampered by the fact that schools will remain shut until September – meaning many workers will not be able to return to their jobs.