Mother-of-four strangled to death by two dogs pulling on leads wrapped around her neck

A mother-of-four was found dead by a young girl after she had been strangled to death by two dogs pulling leads wrapped round her neck. 

Deborah Mary Roberts, 47, was discovered lying face down in grassland with the dog leads around her neck on July 8 by the youngster who had raised the alarm and gone to get help.

An inquest heard how two men had been working on an address on Southleigh Drive in Garden Village, Wrexham, North Wales, when they were approached by a young girl.

Tributes have been paid to mum-of-four Deborah Mary Roberts, 47 (pictured above), was found lying face-down in grassland with dog leads around her neck on July 8, 2020

An inquest into Deborah's death has heard she was strangled to death with leads which were being pulled by the two dogs. She was discovered by a young girl who had raised the alarm

An inquest into Deborah’s death has heard she was strangled to death with leads which were being pulled by the two dogs. She was discovered by a young girl who had raised the alarm

She said her friend was choking and needed help so they went to a grassed area behind the street where they found Mrs Roberts.

Denbighshire County Hall was told Mrs Roberts was lying face down with dog leads around her neck which were being pulled on by two dogs.

Despite the best efforts of paramedics, Mrs Roberts, a warehouse worker from Rhosddu, Wrexham, was pronounced dead at the scene.

It is not known what breed the dogs were but the 47-year-old has a website link for lovers of Staffordshire bull terriers on her Facebook page. 

An inquest heard how two men had been working on an address on Southleigh Drive in Garden Village (pictured) Wrexham, North Wales, when they were approached by a young girl

An inquest heard how two men had been working on an address on Southleigh Drive in Garden Village (pictured) Wrexham, North Wales, when they were approached by a young girl

John Gittins, senior coroner for North Wales East and Central, said a postmortem examination gave a provisional cause of death as asphyxia due to strangulation.

He said there was no suggestion of suspicious circumstances and adjourned the inquest to a date yet to be fixed.

The tragedy happened at a popular dog walking area near her home.

Deborah’s son Callum Roberts wrote on Facebook: ‘My brothers and I are so overwhelmed by all the lovely comments about my mum, she really was one of a kind and we’ll miss her so much.

‘As some of you may (have) known our mum had Huntington’s disease and because of that we have chosen any donation to go towards the Huntington’s disease association, we are trying to raise as much money and awareness for this cruel disease.’

Dozens of friends and family have taken to Facebook to pay tribute to Deborah whose funeral takes place this afternoon.

One woman wrote: ‘So very sorry to hear of your loss, your mum was so warm and kind, always smiling, so lovely with the children in play group, which is how l know her.

‘I lost my mum 5 months ago and know how acutely painful it is. She would often talk about her sons with pride and joy, will be thinking of you.’

Deborah Roberts, 47, has been described as a 'wonderful woman with a heart of gold' as dozens of friends and well-wishers have taken to Facebook to pay their respects to the family

Deborah Roberts, 47, has been described as a ‘wonderful woman with a heart of gold’ as dozens of friends and well-wishers have taken to Facebook to pay their respects to the family

Another wrote: ‘Thinking of you all and sending hugs. Your mum was a wonderful woman with a heart of gold.

‘Its a privilege to have known her. They say God takes the best and heaven has gained an true angel… look after each other .’

Another well-wisher added: ‘Sending my Love to you all. Your Mum was a wonderful lady with a huge heart and the best sense of humour.

‘She Loved you all more than you will ever know and was so proud of you. Massive hugs to you all. Xxx Heaven has definitely gained an Angel…..far too soon.’ 

The fundraiser, set up in Deborah’s name, has already raised more than £1,000 for the Huntington’s Disease Association

An obituary notice in a local newspaper said she was ‘the beloved wife of the late Paul (Buzby), loved, cherished and adored mum of Dan, Cal, Jamie and Jack. She is much loved and will always be remembered.’