Prince Philip, 99, prepares for weekend in hospital as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle depart

Prince Phillip was today facing the weekend in hospital as the fallout from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex‘s departure from the working Royal Family raged outside.

He today had his fourth day in the private facility in London, but is understood to have been aware the announcement on Harry and Meghan was to be released.

The Duke of Edinburgh is having ‘observation and rest’ after being admitted earlier this week after feeling unwell.

Philip, 99, was described as being in ‘good spirits’ after he walked unaided into King Edward VII Hospital on Tuesday evening on the advice of his doctor.

The Queen had told him of Meghan and Harry’s decision to not return as working members of the Royal Family and the statement she was going to release on the development.

The Duke of Edinburgh (left) and the Duke of Sussex (right) laugh together following the wedding of Lady Gabriella Windsor and Thomas Kingston at Windsor Castle in May 2019

Police stand outside King Edward VII Hospital in London this morning as a nurse walks past

Police stand outside King Edward VII Hospital in London this morning as a nurse walks past

The statement from The Queen

Meghan and Harry's statement

The two statements were released within three minutes of each other and signalled the end of their working Royal life

Philip and Harry had always shared a close bond but a recent book suggested he had been left bewildered by his decision to walk away from the Royal Family.

Ingrid Seward, author of Prince Philip Revealed, said the Duke of Edinburgh ‘walked away’ from the situation after feeling that his advice was being ignored.

Seward’s book said: “For Philip, whose entire existence has been based on a devotion to doing his duty, it appeared that his grandson had abdicated his for the sake of his marriage to an American divorcee in much the same way as Edward VIII gave up his crown to marry Wallis Simpson in 1936.’

It had been claimed today Harry was self-isolating at home in Montecito, California, so he can fly back to Britain at short notice if Philip’s condition worsens, but the Palace’s announcement appears to have thrown this into some doubt.

Harry, who lives in a £11million mansion with his pregnant wife Meghan and son Archie, was also said to have arranged to fly by private jet at short notice if needed.

He would be tested for coronavirus before leaving the US and upon arriving in Britain – and it is not clear if Meghan would travel, reported the Daily Mirror.

The Duke of Edinburgh remained at King Edward VII Hospital this morning (pictured today)

The Duke of Edinburgh remained at King Edward VII Hospital this morning (pictured today)

Police stand on the steps of King Edward VII Hospital today where Philip is being treated

Police stand on the steps of King Edward VII Hospital today where Philip is being treated

Harry would also be exempt from having to quarantine in a hotel for ten days after arriving, if the UK adds the US to its ‘red list’ of countries as is being discussed.

Members of the Royal Family do not have to isolate in a hotel upon arriving from ‘red list’ countries because due to special dispensation, similar to diplomatic immunity.

A spokesman for Harry was contacted for comment by MailOnline. On Wednesday, Buckingham Palace said admitting Philip to hospital was a ‘precautionary measure’.

There were no reports yesterday of visitors arriving at the exclusive hospital which is on a quiet street in Marylebone, but Philip is known for his ‘no fuss’ attitude.

Philip, who turns 100 on June 10, is in hospital for an undisclosed reason, although it is not coronavirus-related and it was a non-emergency admission..

It is understood a doctor was called after Philip felt unwell for a short period and he was taken to hospital by car, where he walked in unaided.

Philip has been spending the latest lockdown with the Queen, 94, at Windsor Castle and last month they both received Covid vaccinations. 

Prince Harry and Meghan at their £11million home in Montecito, California, last September

Prince Harry and Meghan at their £11million home in Montecito, California, last September

The Queen and Prince Philip look at a wedding anniversary card given to them by their great grandchildren George, Charlotte and Louis, in the Oak Room at Windsor Castle last November

The Queen and Prince Philip look at a wedding anniversary card given to them by their great grandchildren George, Charlotte and Louis, in the Oak Room at Windsor Castle last November

Harry and Meghan released this picture on Sunday to accompany a pregnancy announcement

Harry and Meghan released this picture on Sunday to accompany a pregnancy announcement

Is this Britain’s bravest traffic warden? Prince Philip’s royal protection officers’ Range Rover gets a parking ticket 

A ticket-happy official outside the hospital where Philip is being treated tried to lay claim to the title of Britain’s bravest traffic warden yesterday.

As the Duke remained inside, royal protection officers found their Range Rover given a fixed penalty notice.

A parking warden putting a ticket on a royal protection officer's vehicle on a yellow line outside King Edward VII Hospital yesterday

A parking warden putting a ticket on a royal protection officer’s vehicle on a yellow line outside King Edward VII Hospital yesterday

The fine was attached to the windscreen after it was left on double yellow lines as the protection officers went inside for ‘a couple of hours’, a witness said. 

When they emerged, one of the officers removed the ticket and the car was moved. 

 Philip was reported last year to be unconcerned about becoming a centenarian. 

But sources say his view has modified and he is rather reluctantly looking forward to reaching the milestone. 

As the nation hoped for his swift recovery, royal author Penny Junor joked yesterday that hospital staff probably would not want Philip on their shift due to his aversion to people making a fuss.

She told BBC Breakfast: ‘He can be quite blunt and I think if he felt people were fussing over him he could be quite outspoken about that. 

‘This is a man who doesn’t want any fuss made of his 100th birthday, so the fact he’s in hospital and getting some fuss made of him will really irritate him.’

Buckingham Palace said on Wednesday: ‘His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh was admitted to King Edward VII’s Hospital in London on Tuesday evening.

‘The Duke’s admission is a precautionary measure, on the advice of His Royal Highness’s doctor, after feeling unwell. The Duke is expected to remain in hospital for a few days of observation and rest.’

It is understood the decision to admit Philip was taken with an ‘abundance’ of caution.

Philip was last in hospital in December 2019, when he spent four nights at King Edward VII being treated for a ‘pre-existing condition’ before being discharged on Christmas Eve.

He retired from public duties in 2017 but made a rare public appearance at Windsor last July 2020 for the official handover of his role as Colonel-in-Chief of The Rifles to his daughter-in-law Camilla.  

Meanwhile a ticket-happy official outside the hospital tried to lay claim to the title of Britain’s bravest traffic warden yesterday.

As Philip remained inside, royal protection officers found their Range Rover given a fixed penalty notice.

The fine was attached to the windscreen after it was left on double yellow lines as the protection officers went inside for ‘a couple of hours’, a witness said. 

When they emerged, one of the officers removed the ticket and the car was moved.