Israel defies Biden’s call for a ceasefire and pounds Palestine for another night

Israel has defied Joe Biden‘s calls for ceasefire and pounded Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip for another night despite claims from both sides that the fighting could end tomorrow. The Israeli Defence Forces released a map of the Hamas ‘Metro’ as their bombing campaign continued – revealing that they have destroyed 60 miles of … Read more

Israel ignores Biden’s call for a ceasefire and pounds Palestine for another night

Israel has ignored Joe Biden‘s calls for ceasefire and pounded Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip for another night despite claims from both sides that the fighting could end tomorrow. The Israeli Defence Forces released a map of the Hamas ‘Metro’ as their bombing campaign continued – revealing that they have destroyed 60 miles of the … Read more

Jeremy Corbyn demands to know the nature of Britain’s ‘military relationship’ with Israel

Jeremy Corbyn has demanded to know the nature of Britain’s ‘military relationship’ with Israel and whether any weapons sold by the UK have been used ‘to bomb places in Gaza’. Israeli aerial bombardments of Gaza have killed 227 people in the 10-day conflict while rocket attacks by militant group Hamas have killed 12 people in … Read more

Harry and Meghan mark third wedding anniversary with plans to build community relief centre in India

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle today celebrated their third wedding anniversary by revealing plans to build a disaster relief centre in India to help battle Covid-19 and recover from the pandemic. The building in Mumbai, will be based on the blueprint of one the couple’s Archewell foundation has built on the Caribbean island of Dominica, where … Read more

Black Lives Matter condemns Israel’s ‘settler colonialism’, declaring ‘solidarity’ with Palestinians

Black Lives Matter has condemned Israel’s ‘settler colonialism’ while declaring ‘solidarity with Palestinians’ in a statement on Twitter.  The BLM movement said it would ‘continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation’ as it equated the conflict in Gaza to anti-police protests in the US.     The tweet came as thousands of pro-Palestine protesters gathered across the US … Read more

Blinken says Israel has sent US ‘new intel’ on attack on Gaza building but refuses to offer details

Blinken says Israel has sent the US ‘new intelligence’ on the attack on the Gaza building but refuses to disclose details after Netanyahu defied Biden’s call for a ceasefire with more rocket attacks Israel said it provided evidence that Hamas militants were using the 12-story building it destroyed in an airstrike Saturday Associated Press and … Read more

Israel says it has killed 150 terrorists in Gaza, sunk a Hamas ‘suicide submarine’

Benjamin Netanyahu last night defied Joe Biden‘s call for a ceasefire as Israel continued bombardments which they say have killed more than 150 terrorists in the Gaza Strip. The US President ‘encouraged Israel to make every effort to ensure the protection of innocent civilians’ and ‘expressed his support for a ceasefire’ during a phone call with … Read more

Trump says ‘there is no way Biden won the election’ as new poll says 67% of Republican voters agree

Former President Donald Trump has claimed ‘there is no way’ Biden won the 2020 Presidential Election after a poll suggested the majority of GOP voters agree.  A CBS News poll published on Sunday showed that 67 per cent of self-described Republicans did not think that President Joe Biden was the legitimate winner of the election.  ‘Breaking … Read more

Israel defends destroying building that housed The Associated Press and Al Jazeera in Gaza

Israel claims to have shared ‘smoking gun’ evidence with the US that Hamas used the destroyed building that housed The Associated Press and Al Jazeera in Gaza City, as news organisations demand answers.   Government officials said the Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu shared a ‘smoking gun’ with US President Joe Biden in their phone call on Saturday.  … Read more

Biden has a ‘short fuse’ because he’s ‘obsessed with getting every detail’ before making a decision 

President Joe Biden – who comes across as Mr. Congeniality – reportedly has a ‘short fuse’ with his advisers and is prone to ‘flares of impatience’ because of his obsession with getting every detail before making a decision.  ‘He has a kind of mantra: ‘You can never give me too much detail,” National Security Advisor … Read more