Nicola Sturgeon’s pubs closure and booze ban a ‘catastrophe’

Hospitality bosses have described a decision to stop Scottish pubs and restaurants selling alcohol and closing them at 6pm each day as a ‘total catastrophe’ that will be the ‘final straw,’ for hundreds of venues. Nicola Sturgeon set out new measures today that she hopes will curb the spread of coronavirus around Scotland. But experts … Read more

Sturgeon is set to announce new Scotland COVID crackdown

Scotland could close PUBS in lockdown announcement today: Sturgeon will unveil new curbs amid warnings outbreak could peak again in just TWO WEEKS after surge in COVID cases – with fears the rest of the UK will follow soon Nicola Sturgeon announcing new Covid restrictions for Scotland this afternoon First Minister expected to impose restrictions … Read more

Scotland could be plunged into a 14-day ‘circuit-breaker’ lockdown from ‘7pm on Friday’

A national ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown lasting two weeks is being considered for Scotland this Friday. An NHS source has claimed they have been briefed for it to start at 7pm that day in an effort to curb coronavirus‘s rampage. But it would come as the First Minister is warned a new national lockdown would take … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Nicola Sturgeon calls Margaret Ferrier ‘Margaret Covid’ AGAIN

Nicola Sturgeon today called Margaret Ferrier ‘Margaret Covid’ for a second time as pressure grows on the SNP MP to quit after doing an 800-mile round trip to Parliament while suffering coronavirus symptoms. The Scottish First Minister blundered at a press conference on Friday as she discussed when she first knew Ms Ferrier had flouted … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon faces demands to join Margaret Ferrier recall bid

Why has she STILL not quit? Nicola Sturgeon faces demands to join MP recall petition for SNP’s Margaret Ferrier after her 800-mile round trip to Parliament with coronavirus symptoms SNP’s Margaret Ferrier facing fury for flouting coronavirus self-isolation rules  Travelled to House of Parliament while suffering symptoms and taking a test  Took train 400 miles … Read more

Do tougher rules REALLY work? Glasgow’s coronavirus outbreak has slowed dramatically

Tougher lockdown rules could work, suggests official data showing Glasgow‘s spike in coronavirus cases was controlled within days of being hit by fresh restrictions. Residents in the city, home to around 600,000 people, and two neighbouring areas were banned from visiting any other households back at the start of September, in a desperate attempt to … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon BANS Scots from visiting each other in their own homes from TOMORROW

Scots will be banned from visiting each other in their own homes from tomorrow, Nicola Sturgeon said today as she reintroduced stringent lockdown rules. The First Minister said that a ‘high proportion’ of new cases in the country were linked to transmission within private homes where social distancing and ventilation were more difficult than outdoors … Read more

Trevor Phillips: All Scots in the UK should get to vote in any independence referendum

Equality campaigner Trevor Phillips urges Nicola Sturgeon to allow ALL Scots in UK to get a vote in any independence referendum or risk ‘torpedoing’ any future attempt for Scotland to join the EU Mr Phillips said that excluding thousands of Scots from voting would be unfair Also suggested it contradicts SNP’s own definition of who is a … Read more

Keir Starmer leads demands for Boris Johnson to hold cross-party Cobra meeting on Covid case rise

Keir Starmer and other senior political leaders from across the UK tonight demanded Boris Johnson join them for an emergency Cobra meeting amid fears that the coronavirus pandemic is spiralling out of control.  The Labour leader joined Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her Welsh counterpart Mark Drakeford to call for a cross-party conference amid … Read more

Defiant parents in England vow to break the ‘rule of six’

Defiant parents in England have vowed to ignore controversial new measures limiting more than six people gathering together – including children.  From Monday, the so-called ‘rule of six’ will come into force across the UK, with restrictions placed on the number of people meeting up both indoors and outdoors.  However, only England will count children … Read more